Hello Hollywood, Goodbye Abby

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On June eighth, twenty-thirteen, my priorities were way different than what they were a year prior and a year later. In less than twenty-four hours, I, along with six more dancers, would be performing at the sixty-seventh annual Tony Awards along with freaking Jane Lynch. Because of that, we had rehearsed one last time before the stressful afternoon began. Between the red carpet and interviews, we all knew we wouldn't see each other again until it was time for the performance. Stressful times, indeed.

As we packed everything to leave the rented studio, we all got into conversation. It was really stressful to know that we'd be performing in front of some of Broadway's greatest in a few hours, so we were trying our best to calm down, and in my case, to prevent another panic attack from happening. Emily, particularly, couldn't fail to mention that she was hungry, and she kept commenting about it all the time we packed up. I got a bit frustrated simply because I was starting to get hungry myself, and I knew I would only be able to eat a snack that would have to last me all the way until the after-party.

Adding to the stress was the fact of the horrible week I had. I went back to the studio and the show just to find out that everyone had turned against me, and I couldn't figure out why it had happened. I felt guilty for leaving for so long, but at the same time, it didn't make sense why everyone was so mad.

Thankfully, I was snapped out of my thoughts soon by the younger girl.

"You know what I want to eat?"

"I want to eat a quesadilla."

I blinked in surprise, confusion coursing through my veins as I stared at the guy.

It was Thursday, November sixth, two-thousand and fourteen, and rehearsals for the debut performance of "Blank Space" were underway. We started on Sunday, and it turned out I would be dancing with four guys. All of them were older than me, and one of them was even older than my older brother.

The eldest was Seth, who was sixteen years old and was born in June of nineteen-ninety-eight. The second oldest was Devin― he's fifteen years old and was born in September of nineteen-ninety-nine. The third ― and second youngest ― was Jordan, who is thirteen years old and was born in July of two-thousand and one. Lastly, the youngest ― and closest to my age ― is Owen. The same Owen from the music video. It seemed like we would continue to work together. Anyway, he's twelve years old and was born in November of two-thousand and one. His birthday is the day after the performance, so I hoped we could go out and celebrate it.

As we all ― probably ― know, Blank Space is mostly satire. It is Taylor's way to mock the media and their so-called "narratives", and thanks to that, I'm going to portray a "serial dater"! It sounds like a twist on "serial killer", and that's the fun part. For most people, a relationship is all about marriage. It's the ultimate goal, and if it doesn't happen, then it isn't worth it, so that's my character's point. She invites four guys over to her "house" ― it's actually just a set, obviously ― in the hopes that one of them pops the question. However, when it doesn't happen, she goes, well, "they'll tell you I'm insane".

That is when she proceeds to trash the whole house ― set ―, and then, the serial killer part kicks in. After she deals with the first three, there's a big dance part with the only survivor ― in this case, it's Jordan ― until she-- You know what I mean.

After everything is ― not ― said and ― definitely ― done, there will be a knock on the door, and she will quickly fix herself up ― dress, makeup, you get the drill ―, and then open the door, revealing the fifth guy ― his name is Adrian, who literally doesn't have to dance at all ―, and as soon as he notices the "scene", I'll drag him out the door, and everything's done.

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