Chapter Twenty Five~ Strength-

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I hope you enjoy this chapter! YOU GUYS DESERVE AN AWESOME ONE! 

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Lot's of love, 

- Marisa <3 


The rest of the weekend went by much too fast for my taste, Sunday consisted mostly of me working on homework and the boys working on songs. Soon enough, it was Monday morning and i hurried to get ready and get this day over. 

I was terrified, not only of the kids at school, but of Abby's threat. I know she wanted only what was best, but the boys knowing.. wasn't. 

Harry was driving me today instead of Harry and most of the ride was quiet. Not in an awkward way, mostly because it was early, and we were both exhausted.

He pulled up in front of hell- i mean, school. And I took of my seat belt, grabbing my bag and swinging it over my shoulder, i reached for the door handle, only for Harry to gently grab my wrist. 

I looked over at him confused, and he sighed.

"Listen, be careful with your ribs. If you're late to class it's okay, we'll talk to the teachers if you get in trouble because of it. If you fall or anything go straight to the nurse. We don't need you back in the hospital. Got it?" 

 I nodded, "Got it mom." 

He rolled his eyes, "Shut up and get the class you brat." 

I chuckled, "Thanks for the ride Harry!" Quickly, before anyone could see him i bolted out of the car and into the school. 

 I rushed to my locker, keeping my head down and trying to blend in. But i was met with quite a shocking state as i reached it, Blake was already there. 

He was leaning against it intimidatingly with a knowing smirk on his face. My eyes widened and i turned to go hide until he left, but it was too late, he already spotted me. 

I whimpered as he grabbed my wrist painfully and pulled me over. 

"Are you trying to run from me Emily?" He asked through narrowed eyes.

I shook my head quickly, "N-no Blake." 

"Don't you dare lie to me." He ground out through gritted teeth.

Trembling i shook my head, "Of course not."

"Are you patronizing me?" 

My eyes doubled in size as i stuttered, "N-no! N-no of course not!"

 His eyes traveled the length of my body and i tried not to gag in disgust. 

"You seem.... in good health for someone who was recently unwell." 

I gulped as i knew he was referring to when he beat me up.

"Well Emily... i think we'll have to do something about that."  He took a step closer and i shrunk back. Squeezing my eyes shut, i waited for the pain, but it never came.

Instead i heard the sound of a fist hitting flesh, but it wasn't mine. I opened my eyes quickly and gasped. 

Abby was standing there looming over Blake. He groaned and i saw a huge red mark on his eye. It took me a moment to digest what happened. Abby punched him in the face. A mix of emotions came over me. Relief and gratitude at Abby for helping me. But dread for how i feared things would get. 

"A-abby..." I whispered, walking over to her.

She ignored me though, her green eyes narrowed and her curly red hair like flames around her face which was twisted in disgust. 

"Listen to me, you despicable excuse for a human being. You dare lay a finger on her and i swear to fucking God i will kill you. Got it?" She ground out threw clenched teeth. 

He didn't answer her and her face turned a deep scarlet as her anger built up, "I SAID 'GOT IT?!' YOU PIECE OF SHIT!" 

He staggered to his feet, anger prominent in his eyes. His height towering over her, yet she didn't back down or waver at all. 

He grabbed the collar of her shirt and pulled her to him so tightly that her feet lifted off the ground. I gasped as she squirmed in his grip angrily. She may have been fueled by rage, but right now, so was he. 

She aimed to kick him where the sun don't shine, but he pushed her against he lockers before he could. He back connecting with the harsh metal, a cry of pain escaped her lips. Her head jerked back as it hit the lockers, her eyes were squeezed shut and i could visibly see her trembling.

Before she could do anything, he had her throat wrapped in his large hands. Pushing her against the locker harder, her eyes flew open and widened. I gasped and looked around, desperate for anyone to help, but no one did, they barely acknowledged the scene going around them. They acted as if it weren't happening. The way they did with me.

It was easy to be a coward. But it was hard to have strength. Hard to fight back, and i was sick of taking the easy way out. Anger took over me and i felt everything around me more vividly. 

I could feel the blood pumping through my veins. My heart beating a million miles an hour. The beads of sweat building up on my forehead. My face turning a deep red, the heat rushing in my body. 

And before i could put much thought into any of my actions, i launched myself onto him. I ripped him away from her and tackled him onto the hard ground. The wind rushed by quickly and i quickly took advantage of his shock and straddled his waist. Keeping him pinned to the ground, i pulled my arm back and brought my hand into a fist. 

And i began pounding into his face. Every punch fueled with rage and desperation. Every hit earned an ounce of satisfaction i gained. His face becoming distorted and bloody. 

Everything became a blur to me and all i could think was harder. Hit harder. Hit faster. My mind completely taken over by hatred. 

Every punch unfazed me, i felt none of the pain that i should have, i just simply... blocked it out. 

I raised my fist again and as i was about to let it down, a hand was ripping me off of him, Roughly dragging me off. I struggled against whoever it was, desperately trying to attack the boy who had caused me so much pain. 

I saw a teacher rush over to Blake and help him up, nursing his wounds. Turning slightly, i realized that there was a teacher pulling me off of him, i immediately stopped fighting. I spotted a blur of Abbys red hair through the crowd, but i quickly lost sight of her. 

The rush leaving my body, the pain coming at me. My knuckles pounding. My ribs aching. I let the teacher drag me away from him, and i was roughly dragged through the hallway. Glancing around, kids were watching, sympathy and shock deep in their eyes. 

The teacher was a man that i didn't recognize and he had a tight hold on my arm. Anger in his eyes. He pulled me towards the principals office. Looking at me he gave me a look of disdain, "Go through those doors and sit and wait." 

He pointed to a door that said 'Main Office' on it and i sighed as he let go of my arm, knowing i was in deep trouble. I pushed open the door and grouchily walked over to a hard plastic seat, sitting down i contemplated what just happened. 

Don't get me wrong, i wasn't proud i beat him up, i don't want to be him, but i was proud that i had the strength to help Abby. I was proud that i was capable of standing up and not being a weak little girl everyone can push around. 

No matter what kind of punishment i served now, i would graciously accept the consequences. Because as of right now, i was a changed person. I was stronger, and i like it better that way. 

Adopted... by THEM?! (A One Direction Fan-Fiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora