Chapter Thirty~ Waking up Alone-

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Hey guys.

It's me. :)

So i just wanted to talk to you for a minute before we start on this chapter. Please dont take anything offensively. Alright so, i just want you guys to know that I love writing this story, but sometimes it just gets really stressful. I know I'm not the best when it comes to getting updates up but I always get them up and I always come back and you just have to trust that I will. I ask for a certain amount of readers before I update now so that we both have a good idea of when ill update and it gets me time to figure out what will be in the next chapter. Also I would really love to actually have a novel published one day and I think of most of my writing on wattpad as practice so if I'm not keeping up with my readers, then I could be using my time to write something that ill actually use for the future and something that might actually get me somewhere in life. As well as it's hard to watch your amount of reads drop so drastically so quickly. I don't blame you guys and I'm so thankful for the people who have stuck around. Also when people ask me to read their stories it's not that I don't want it it's just that so many people ask me to and I'm really so busy all the time with school and writing and trying to maintain some kind of social life, so I'm sorry that I probably won't get a chance to read it.

Also, i know that i told you 6000 reads, and despite what you think i didn't break my promise. I was just going over the chapter and fixing things so that it would be better. So chill you guys. If i make you a promise i will keep it. 

Hope you enjoy

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Lots of love, 

-Marisa, not Isabella ;) <3

Louis' P.O.V.

Now I know what you're thinking. 'Oh my gosh, what is wrooong with him?! Does he not understand what an asshole he's being?! What about that poor little girl? Why is he being so mean?' Well here it goes. Basically I care about Emily so much, and I think of her as one of my own. The fact that she lies and keeps things from us hurts so badly, especially since all we want to do is protect her.

Obviously we knew she was hiding something about school, but then we hear she beats up some kid and may be getting suspended, and then the truth comes out that he had been bullying her. And the first thing I thought when I got that phone call was just... How could she keep this bottled inside? But then I remembered this is Emily were talking about.

That's what she does.

Bottles everything.

She hides her fears and her problems and she tries to aft like everything's okay. And then she hits a breaking point. Where she just loses everything and she just freaks out. Where she breaks down and she sobs and sobs, when she finally admits that she's been hurt and she needs help.

But I don't want that for her, I want her to be able to talk to us and tell us if something's bothering her. I want to know what happens at school and what happened on her past. I want to be able to have her reach out to me the way that I reach out to her.

So after the initial shock had left, I just got angry. I was angry at that stupid boy for hurting my little girl. I was mad at Emily for not telling us what was going on. I was mad at the boys for not realizing it. I was mad at myself for not seeing the problem and helping her. I was mad at the teachers for punishing my girl because of some bratty boy. I was mad at Abby for not telling us sooner and for taking away how blind I had been. As they sat ignorance is bliss. Not that I wasn't glad I knew so that I could help her, but I wished in everything that it wasn't true.

I realized that things had to change, Emily would never reach out to us and let us help her if things stayed the way that they were. We needed to be stricter. We needed to make sure she knew who was in charge and who was not. She needed to know that we had to know everything that hurt her in order to protect her.

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