Chapter five~ Secrets, secrets are no fun, unless you share with everyone-

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Just a warning for you guys; my mom took my laptop, so i'm currently writing on the family computer:(


So! That means i wont be able to update as much but it wont be for long! I promise.

Thank you guys for all your support it means the world!

Hope you enjoy!

Comment and vote!

Lot's of love,

- Marisa <3


Louis' P.O.V.

The next morning, Emily was going with Zayn. Which was good, since Zayn was so shy, Emily needed a chance to get to know him better. He really could be a giant goofball, kind of like Liam in that sense.

While she was gone; i was going to take her diary. I felt awful, because, well its her private thoughts. Everyone besides Zayn would be with me as well.

I groaned as i rolled out of bed, heading into the kitchen. When i got in there everyone was already sitting around the table, including Emily. She was wearing faded grey jeans, and a flowing black long sleeve shirt, with her signature converse. She had her hair up and was once again; not wearing make- up. Trust me, i was glad she didn't wear any. She was beautiful without it! But i was confused on the why. Even the other girls in the orphanage wore some, except for her. It was like she didn't want to be noticed. 

Niall was eating, typical. Harry was cooking, typical. Liam was talking to Zayn, typical. But what was different was unlike any other morning, their eyes were all trained on one person; Emily. She sat at the counter, head facing down, not talking nor eating.

"Hey guys, whats going on?" I asked.

Harry shrugged, "Just making Emmy breakfast."

Emily tensed under his words. I sighed and ran a hand threw my hair.

He put an egg in front of her, she muttered a 'thanks', and began to eat. She looked like she really didn't want to.

"So Em, it's Zayn's day today." I smiled at her.

"Yep." She sighed.

"Whats wrong?" I asked her.

"Nothing." She lied.

May i just say she was an excellent liar, but she didn't fool me. Not for a second.

After what seemed like forever, she finished. She sat up, looking nauseated. 

Zayn put an arm around her shoulder and she flinched. He started guiding her out the door and sent us meaningful looks as they walked away.


We were in her room, searching threw her drawers, only to find them empty.

"Where is it?" Niall asked.

"Hm, Harry did you see her put it anywhere?" Liam asked.

Harry's face went from confusion to knowing in seconds. He smiled and walked over to her bag, and started rummaging threw the pockets.

His hand hit something and he smirked. He pulled a thick black journal out and held it in his hand victoriously. 

 "Are you guys sure this is a good idea?" Niall asked.

"I don't want to do it, but we have to." I said firmly.

We sat down on the ground and opened the journal.

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