Chapter four~ Babysitter, puh-lease! -

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Hey guys!

I'm being pressured into writing this chapter! So you can thank District12Tribute, also it would mean the workd to me if you check out her One Direction fanfiction! ITS AMAZAYN! and she really deserves more writers! Those reasons being why i dedicated this chapter to her:)

I hope you guys enjoy this!

Comment and vote!

Lots of love,

- Marisa <3



I woke up screaming. 

"Emily! Emily! Calm down! Its only a dream!" Liam soothed me, sitting down next to me.

I stared into his chocolate eyes, breathing fast and hard. 

He wiped sweat away from my brow and i flinched.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked.

I shook my head, unable to respond.

"Emily... whose Katie?" He asked.





Emily's P.O.V.

"I- i don't know who your talking about." I stuttered, obviously lying.

Liam narrowed his eyes at me, "I think you do."

"You thought wrong." I replied.

He sighed, "Emily please! Tell me! You're really stressing Louis out here, he wants to help you."

"I- i know" I swallowed.

He ran his fingers threw his hair anxiously. "Just go back to sleep."

He began to walk from the room.

"Liam! Wait!" I called out.

He turned around.

"Will you stay with me?" I whimpered.

His gaze softened and he nodded. I felt his warm body slip under the blankets next to me and i cuddled into him. He wrapped a protective arm around me and said, "Don't worry, i'll keep the nightmares away."

I smiled as i fell into a dream free sleep.


The next morning i was awoken by someone yelling.

"Emmy? Liam? Where are you guys? Its my turn!"

I groaned and cuddled into my pillow. Wait, a second, pillows don't move... or breathe. Oh yeah, Liam. I  didn't care, i buried my face deeper into his chest and tried to fall back asleep.

I heard the door creak open, "Liam?" Someone whispered.

I felt Liam move underneath me. Then, he's gently picking me off of him and laying me gently down on the soft bed. 

"Shh Harry!" He whispered, "Let her sleep, she didn't get much last night."

"Liam!" Harry gasped, "What about Danielle?" 


I heard a loud thump and then an "Ow" I smirked slightly still keeping my eyes closed, serves him right. Okay, i'm tired. I relaxed and was almost back to sleep again.

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