Chapter twelve~ Going Back to a Time-

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Emily's P.O.V.

I gasped and took stumbled backwards. I would've fallen if Louis hadn't steadied me from behind. I started shaking, images flashing into my mind, it was almost like a broken record player playing over and over.

Katie sittiing on my lap, twirling my dark hair around her small one, she giggled and i smiled down at her, pulling her a bit closer to me. I ran my fingers threw her shirt golden hair, placing a small kiss on her forehead. She was one of those baby's that was happy all the time. That never failed to have a smile on her face.

The scene shifted and it was Katie's first birthday. (AN: Baby Lux's birthday is September 11th so theyre about the same age)

"Katie; blow out your candle!" I laughed.

She looked at me confused, and tried with all her might to blow out a big puff of air and blow it out, but failed. She whimpered as she tried and tried again, with no success. I smiled and stood behind her as she tried one last time, i blew from behind her, helping her without her knowledge.

When the candle went out she cheered in excitement. I laughed as she seemed so excited at the small victory.

The scene changed once again and this time i was horrified by the sight.

Katie and my mother lying there... dead.

"No! Mom! Katie!" I screamed, throwing myself at their limp bodys.

"Please!" I screamed, shaking them. 

Their glassy eyes stared up at me expressionless. I touched Katies hand and found it cold. A tear rolled down her face. Mom was half on top of her as if she was trying to sheild her. They were both covered in blood. So much blood. I could practically taste the metalic rustic tinge i knew it had. I shook my mothers shoulders.

"Mom! No!" I cried, tears clouding my vision. I desperately wiped them away.

It couldn't be! It wasn't possible! They'd wake up any moment and laugh, saying it was only a joke. But it never happened.

Someone was shaking my shoulders frantically. My head snapped to look at them.

I stared into the worried eyes of Louis.

"Emily! Whats wrong!? You zoned out and started spazzing out!" He asked me nervously looking into my eyes.

I glanced at Baby Lux and my heart shattered. I tensed and broke out of Louis' grip, shaking.

"I'm sorry... i can't do this. I can't be in- i just- i cant!" I cried and raced out of the room, before anyone could say anything.

I ran down the hall, but found myself drained and weak. I leaned against the wall, tears slipping out of my eyes. I slid down the wall, sobs wrecking threw my body.

 I put my head in my hands, trying to block the images. Katie, my baby sister, dead at the hands of our own father, our own flesh and blood. I should've protected her, i should've saved her. Seeing Baby Lux just brought back all the memories, the hurt, i never eally morned them. I kind of just acted like they never existed; Katie and my mom.

I didn't want to have to deal with the pain. Someone touches my shoulder. I snap my head up and blink threw my blurry eyes to see Louis looking into my eyes, the boys behind him. I sigh and look away. Louis kneels down in front of me.

"What happened sweetie?" He asked softly as if speaking to a little child.

 I couldn't answer him, i didn't know how. What was i supposed to say? Your stylist daughter reminded me of my dead sister?

He sighed and pulled me into a hug. I nuzzled into his side, burrying my face in his chest. My sobs only getting louder. I trembled causing him to tighten his grip around me.

"Shh, shh, its okay baby girl, its fine, everythings okay." He whispered into my ear, rocking us back and forth.

He mouthed something to the boys, who nodded. Harry and Niall walked off, while Zayn and Liam came closer to us.

"Babe, what happened?" Liam asked, rubbing my back gently.

I tried to tell him, but only managed a stuttered, "K-ka-at-tie."

"Who is she honey?" Zayn asked me gently stroking my hair.

"Is she your sister?" Louis asked me.

I cried harder and nodded into him.

He held me closer and spoke soothing words into my ear, while he, Zayn, and Louis tried calming me, with no success. I cried on end. Louis rubbed soothing circles into my back, though it didnt help.

A few minutes later Harry and Niall reappeared, a steaming mug in Harry's hand. Louis and Harry made eye contact and Louis pulled away slightly, so he could look at my face. He pushed a strand of hair away from my face and wiped away my tears, only for more to appear.

Harry kneeled down next to us, and pushed the mug into my hands.

"Can you drink this for me babe?" Harry asked me softly.

I was shaking hard and i didn't respond,i just stared at the steaming cup of what seemed to be tea.

"Hmm babe? Will you drink it?" Harry nudged the mug towards my face slightly, goading me to drink.

I didn't. "I- i can't." I whispered.

"Why not?" Louis asked me gently, craddling me against his chest.

"It's my fault." The moment of being calm ended, and i burst back into tears.

"Whats your fault?" Niall asked me.

"Katie and my mom..... dying. Its all my fault. I could've stopped it! I - I- I should've done something! I- i could've-"

"No Emily stop!" Liam told me harshly, "There's nothing you could've done, you were just a little girl. Don't blame yourself for that."

I shudder and start to heave. I feel so worn out from crying, but i can't stop.

"Emmy, please, drink the tea." Louis whispers.

I nod wearily and bring it up to my lips, shaking. I take a sip and then another. The boys nod in encouragement for me to drink more, and i do, until i finish it. When its gone. I start to get really sleepy.

 My eyelashes fluttered. My sobs finally dying. My body started to relax and my breathing got heavier.

"Wha- what did you-?" I asked drowsily.

"Shh," Louis hushed me.

He picked me up and i wrapped my legs around his waist, my head drooping over his shoulder.

"Harry just put some Benadryl in your tea to make you fall asleep honey." He cooed gently.

I clung onto him, my eyelids closed. "I'm tired Lou." I murmured.

"I know honey, i know. Just go to bed bye baby girl. I gotcha, you can sleep now." He told me, starting to walk down the hallway with me wrapped around him, the guys in our wake.

I nodded feeling drained and exhausted.

"I love you Emily." Louis whispered.

"Love you too Lou," I replied, smiling.

Then, i fell alseep in his arms.


HEY GUYS! Sorry its so short and boring! Its just a filler chapter! :D

Hope you enjoyed anyways!

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Lot's of love,

- Marisa <3

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