The Passing

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The forest was unusually silent under the night sky. Perhaps it had sensed the entangling of two of the largest predators on earth,  responding to the threat by fleeing into their homes. Perhaps it was just Izzys nerves getting the best of her, the gravity of the assembly settling in.

The life around her was subdued, granted that there wasn't much life around her anyways whenever she wandered with Jasper. The living instinctively knew to keep distance from the dead. Except me apparently, she thought with a spark of amusement. It died down as suddenly as it came, when her previous train of thought took hold. Yes, she was used to a rather empty forest but this eeriness was deafening, it left the hair on her arms standing. Izzy took solace in the fact that there was no pounding dread, other than the usual regular dread. That was good right? It meant she was in no immediate, life threatening danger.

She stood just a few kilometres from the highway, clutching Jaspers arm tightly. The Wolves hadn't arrived yet, their side of the forest vacant, no rustling of leaves, no chittering of insects, nothing. The entire forest held its breath in anticipation. Izzy was no different.

Carlisle stood a step ahead of them, with Esme by his side, while Edward stood a step back right behind Izzy. He was visible but subdued, intending to focus entirely on opposite party. The main couple stood in the middle, with Jasper inclined slightly in-front of her. Izzy noted that even though she was clearly visible, she was also surrounded. Edward stood behind her, jasper next to her on the left and Esme infront of her, just alittle to the right. One sudden move and she'd be surrounded by a protective body. She very much doubted that she'd need it at all, if a fight did start out, she'd be the least likely target. Regardless, she was impressed by their stance. Right now, everyone was motionless, no words being exchanged.

When Carlisle had come home, everyone had already been waiting. They all stood outside the house, a welcome party of sorts. Alice had taken his bag wordlessly and they had departed, with Izzy riding Jaspers back as usual. Arriving in due time, they had waited for probably no more than five minutes but to her the time span seemed a lot longer and tedious. What was taking them so long?!

As though waiting for the signal, the vampires stilled. It wasn't a noticeable gesture, to anyone else they looked just as they had seconds ago, but Izzy could still spot the shift. This new stillness was unnatural, they looked exactly like the marble statues they were often compared to. She was sure that if someone was to pass them now, they'd think she was transporting them to a museum or something.

At first she heard nothing, and then came footsteps, light but surely. The anomaly however, was that she only heard one pair. Was Jacob the only one who had come?

From that foliage came a man, maintained but clearly in his mid life, he had the resident golden bronze skin that was apparently shared by all the tribesmen. Why was he alone? The question rang through her once again.

"He isn't." Edward spoke, barely reaching her ears.

"What do y-" her question lost in her amazement and simultaneous horror.

The wolves had arrived, if you could call them that even. A large black and what could only be described as a beast emerged first, eyes blazing. How a creature that size could move so soundlessly, Izzy had no idea. Next came another one, even bigger than the first, coming to stand besides the man. Izzy would've feared for the man life, if didn't look so much at ease or she didn't already know one of the wolves. Following the two emerged another, standing next to first wolf, this one was smaller than the first two, still gigantic by all means but fractionally smaller in size.

She couldn't really tell them apart in the dark, their pelts just appearing in different shades of black, the large one with intense eyes was darkest and the next to the man was the lightest. She was sure that in a brighter time, they'd all have distinctive features and fur but right now it was like a dark mass of danger, unanimous.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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