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"What are you talking about Jasper. Is everything alright? Nobody's hurt right?" Izzy asked in near hysterics.

Jasper was quick to settle her down, calming her through his gift.

"Everyone is fine love, relax. They're on their way back. I'll explain everything then." He spoke calmly.

The next few minutes were the longest minutes Izzy had ever spent. She sat extremely tense even with Jaspers constant flow of calm that he was radiating. He kept her laying down when she tried getting up, telling her pacing aimlessly wouldn't help them in any way whatsoever.

When the Cullens finally stepped inside, Izzy was on her feet so fast that she'd probably give Edward a run for his money. They stepped in one by one, gathering in the living room. Izzy gave them all a quick scan, they looked fine. Clothes still immaculate, hair still perfect but their faces were grim—all except Emmet that is. He greeted her with a bright smile, looking completely at ease but then again this was Emmet, he revelled in action.

"What happened?." Izzy cut to the chase, sitting up.

"How are you feeling?" Carlisle asked, prioritising her health.

"I'm fine now." Izzy said quickly. "I started getting better the moment the left the field."

"I see." Carlisle looked thoughtful. "I'm glad you're better now."

Edward stepped forward, deciding to share the news. "You left at perfect time actually Izzy" he told her.

"Tell me everything...please." She said.

"After you guys left Alice had a vision." He began, eyeing Jasper. Something transpired between the two and it was then that Edward continued. "Three nomads apparently heard us playing and decided to meet us out of curiosity."

"Nomads?" Izzy asked no one in particular. It was Rosalie who answered.

"Our kind" she informed. "Most of us, keep travelling in small groups, never staying near human population too long."

"It is only those who have a lifestyle similar to ours, that can stay with civilisation for an indefinite amount of time." Carlisle said, a hint of pride in his voice. "Up until now, we've only met one family so far up in Alaska that are like us."

"Like you as in they feed from animals." She probed.

"Yes" Carlisle responded. "We stayed with them for a while but our kind tend to draw attention especially with so many of us banded together."

"But these nomads aren't like you." It was a statement.

"No!" It was Jasper who spoke up, tense undertones in his gaze as he stared at. "They were human drinkers."

A chill ran down Izzy's spine at his words, she was just realising how truly fortunate she had been. Her blood ran cold at the prospect of having to actually encounter blood thirsty vampires. Jasper pulled her close to him, as a sense of security settled over her. It was Jaspers way of telling her he'd protect her.

"How are they different from you guys, other than the obvious?" Izzy asked.

"For one they have red eyes and theoretically they're a tad bit stronger seeing as human blood as more fulfilling, giving then greater control over their gifts and whatnot." Jaspers voice was completely void of emotion, he spoke as of stating facts in an attempt to not frighten her.

"Normally we could talk them out of harming you. Though they'd be confused, they would most likely back of out of respect or out of consideration of the fact that you are under the protection of a large coven" Edward told her.

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