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They say that you cannot escape destiny no matter how hard you try. If something is bound to happen, it can not be escaped, not forever that is. Humans grapple with the concept of fate, questioning it, analysing it, criticising it, but in the end it's meaningless. What is to happen, happens whether you believe in it or not.

Izzy often questioned her fate, was it fate that bought her and Jasper together or was it perhaps all a cosmic coincidence? Was anything ever truly coincidental? If it was fate then she was truly thankful. 

The weeks went by in a pleasant blur, she went to school, practiced for the upcoming competition and spent time with Jasper and her friends. She made sure not to reveal her dance or songs to him, if she could help it. It was something that annoyed Jasper to no end and he'd constantly try to convince her otherwise. She'd flat out refuse, showing strong resistance when he used his gift to try and change her mind. This would more often than not result in a sulking Jasper and a semi guilty Izzy, who'd make it upto him by singing him some other song or giving him kisses till he conceded and pulled her to him.

The competition steadily grew closer and closer until it was only three days away. Izzy was leaving for Seattle to get aquatinted with the stage and area, Ofcoarse Jasper was coming with her— not that she minded— to make sure she was safe. How her mother has allowed it, she didn't know although she suspected Jasper's gift played a role in her positive reaction. She still refused to show him anything but atleast she let him come along. The rest of the Cullens and her friends would join them the day the competition started.

"How are you feeling?" Jasper asked as Izzy packed the last of her stuff for the somewhat extended trip. In addition to that she had to carry an extra suitcase full of her costumes and everything else that was related to the impending event. That suitcase, Jasper didn't have the pleasure of witnessing.

"Right now I'm just excited." Izzy confessed, moving aside so Jasper could shut the stubborn suitcase for her. "But I'm sure the anxiety will settle in about a day before the actual competition."

"Standard procedure?"

"Standard procedure." She confirmed.

"I'll make sure it doesn't overwhelm you." Jasper promised.

"I'm counting on that."

Their moment came to an end when Izzy's mom made an appearance, she strode right in, which wasn't much of a surprise since her door stood wide open. As expected, her mom made a beeline for her suitcase dropping a traveling bag next to it with an extra handful of items Izzy had conveniently forgotten about. She gave her mother a sheepish smile in thanks before scrambling to put everything inside. Her mom just shook her head in disapproving resignation before turning to Jasper.

"Take care of her will you?" She looked worried.

"Don't worry, I'll make sure nothing happens to her Laura." Jasper smiled, but is tone stood contradictorily solemn.

Izzy rolled her eyes at how dramatic they were being but said nothing, they were having a moment after all. How could she rob them of that? What could go wrong anyways? She was just going to Seattle. It was like they thought she was incapable of going through the day without some sort of trouble following in tail. She'd taken care of herself for years and she'd survived hadn't she? Old people she fought ruthlessly, yes she'd consider Jasper old at the given moment because it suited her.

"Alright, Alright! Break up this sob fest. We have to get going."

"Yes ma'am." Jasper obliged with a smirk, probably getting a read on her growing annoyance.

He dropped in to hug Izzy's mom, who already had her arms opened expectantly at his direction. Izzy held back a smile, they were adorable in the way they behaved. Jasper treated her mother, Laura with great love and respect, moulding himself to fit her affection and go as far as to return it. Laura on the other hand absolutely adored Jasper and the very ground he walked on. It made her feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside, Jasper tended to have that effect of her anyways.

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