Just Alittle Broken

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They stayed in the clearing for awhile, just them. No words exchanged. There was no need. The comfortable silence that canopied them was enough. It was easy to be with someone when your life was in motion but true companionship was seen in silence, when all was still.

Here, in the quite tranquility of the meadow did easy truly feel truly at peace. The two of them lay together, Izzy's head on Jasper's chest, as he played with her hair out of habit. Turned out, it had a calming effect on both of them.

Jasper had been the one who had suggested staying here. Something about a surprise after the sun had set. Izzy had asked him what it, but as predicted, Jasper had refused to answer. Something that was as shocking as Tyler not taking a hint.

An unidentifiable time went by, Izzy was both aware and completely unaware at the same time. This place they were in seemed special; their own little world. Time seemed irrelevant here, so did anyone and anything other themselves.

And just like that the sun began to set. They sat up, Izzy incased in Jaspers arms, snug against his chest. The sunset was more beautiful than she could have ever imagined. Saturated hues of gold and orange, blended together behind the molten of the sun. It was like a painting, only much better. She'd seen sunsets in California. Heck! California was known for its sunsets on the beach but this, this meadow in the middle of the forest, outsold it in second. Izzy sat mesmerised by the view, not even noticing Jasper who was clicking away on his phone. Taking picture after picture of Izzy.

He couldn't quite help himself, she was a vision under the fading lights, her skin tinted gold. He had seen the sunset before, many times infact, but Izzy was a site he cherished far more than anything.

"Thank you Jasper." Izzy muttered, not taking her eyes of the sinking sun.

Jasper stared at her, understanding that the thank you went deeper than just the sunset, she was thanking her for opening up to her, for sharing a part of himself he kept locked away.

"You're welcome darl."

The moment the sun finally set is when Jasper began to get excited. Although on the outside he kept his calm and collected exterior, the subtle waves of excitement he was radiating, gave him away. Izzy couldn't help compare him with a puppy, well if puppies had razor sharp fangs, were made of stone and could crush her like a pea, but those were just unnecessary detail that Izzy allowed herself to overlook.

Abruptly her vision was blocked. For a second Izzy almost panicked, before the coolness of Jasper's hand registered. He was occluding her view. The question was; why the hell would do that?

Sensing her curiosity, he answered. "Just wait a second. You'll love this."

Izzy wanted to snap back but controlled herself. She was already getting used to his apparent obsession with surprising her. She heard Jasper exhale slightly, that was the only warning she got before Jasper's hand was removed. Normally Izzy would've opened her eyes instantly but her mind seemed to force her to feed her own excitement by slowing down the movement.

When her eyes finally opened, Izzy reeled back in stunned disbelief. Beautiful ,was the only word that came to mind as she took in the sight before her. The entire meadow had transformed. A whole new world had been set into place right before her. The previous plain grass seemed to have lit up like a sea with scattered stars reflecting the night sky. Thousands of fireflies danced around them, taking Izzy breath away. Never had she seen a spectacle as magnificent as this.

Upon closer inspection Izzy noticed that not all of them fireflies, there were butterflies aswell with glowing wings that swirled around the field, moving in and out of view.

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