The Cold Ones

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By now Izzy was sure about two things, one Jasper and his family were not normal and two she couldn't bring herself to care. She had grown to care tremendously about each and every one of them even Rosalie, with whom she could now have civil conversations with. But most of all she knew that she was in love with Jasper, she could no longer delude herself.

So when she went to La Push beach the following week, alone this time, she had a lot on her mind. Majority of it being around the Cullens or Jasper to be exact. What was it that they were hiding? What was their big secret? They were strange, that was a given. They were beautiful, unbelievably so but that could be incredibly great genes but then there was the almost white pale skin and golden eyes that changed colour that they all had in common, despite not being related. They were cold with skin as hard as marble. Not to mention she'd never actually seen them eat. All of these factors were leaving Izzy with a massive headache.

That was until she saw one of the boys from last time jog up to her. Jacob, she remembered. He stopped infront of her a wide grin dancing on his lips.

"So you meant what you said last time. You really will be coming here often."

"Yep" Izzy said, swinging her leg as she sat on the edge of a large rock. She shifted so the side, giving him room to sit. He smiled gratefully while taking a seat.

"So what brings you to our beach. Not that you aren't always welcome." He rubbed the back of his head.

"Just needed to a breath of fresh air to clear my head. Turns out nearly dying takes a toll on you" Izzy picked a pebble before flinging it, watching it skip across the waters.

"Yeah it does" Jacob said, before processing what she said fully. "Wait What! You nearly died"

"Yeah a class mate of mine lost control of his car and I happen to be in his path. Jasper pulled me out in the nick of time or else I'd be six feet under."
The realisation that she could have died, hitting her again.

Jacob listened to his new friend intently, feeling begrudgingly grateful to the Cullen for saving her. Izzy seemed too bright to be put out so early in her youth. She deserved life.

"So tell me Jacob. What did your friend mean when he said the Cullens don't come here?" Izzy asked, trying to get as much information out as possible.

"You caught that huh?" Jacob laughed at her observational skills.

"Well he wasn't exactly subtle about it Now was he? Izzy mumbled.

"I'm not supposed to tell you, ya know? Tribe secrets" his tone teasing.

" Jake puhlease!!! I can keep a secret." Izzy smiled mischievously one that Jacob returned.

"Well Elizabeth, you drive a hard bargain" he purposely used her real name to piss her off, she scoffed before letting out a laugh. "So we at the reserve are more or less a family. Each of us linked in one way or another to form a tribe."

Izzy nodded at him, hanging on to every word. His way of life intriguing her. She always wanted a bigger family. But that had been thrown out the window when her father left Izzy and her mom and ditched. She imagined living like Jake, always surrounded by so many people who were family and had his back. She realised a part of her envied Jacob and Jasper.

"We are called the Quileutes. Like most old tribes we have a lot of legends and stories surrounding our origin and life. One of the most popular legend is how we're the descendants of wolves."

"Wait like actual wolves" when Jacob nodded, looking smug. Izzy let out a whistle. "That's so bloody cool."

"I know" Jacob replied smoothly, Izzy laughed at him before smacking his arms lightly. "Even now we still consider them as our brothers. We aren't allowed to kill or hunt wolves, tribe rules,"

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