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Last night had been an interesting one, Izzy thought as she sat streaming her guitar. The look on Jaspers face when she told him she already knew his secret was priceless.

"What do you mean you already know" he had asked her, incredulous.

"I mean I figured it out weeks ago but it wasn't my place to tell. It was your secret and so it was up to you if you wanted to tell me or not, I figured you'd reveal it yourself." Izzy told him matter of factly. It was the truth.

"Why aren't you afraid? Why didn't you run away?" His question had been so genuine, so full of sadness that Izzy had to scoot closer to him. A mere inches separating them. Jasper had sat rigid but didn't move to create distance between them.

"I figured if you'd wanted to hurt me, you and your family would have done so already. You had plenty of chances."Izzy had said, looking at him straight in the eye to show how she meant every word. She didn't have to though, he had felt her sincerity.

"I'm a monster, Liz. I could break you in a snap." He has whispered, almost too quite to hear but Izzy had heard anyways.

"Look at me Jasper" Izzy had grasped his chin, forcing him to meet her gaze. "You are not a monster. No monster would have saved me from a crash and a rape case with potential death. No monster would have shown me such love and care. No monster could ever be so humane. So don't you dare consider yourself a monster"

Izzy sounded furious. She was furious and it shocked Jasper. She was mad at him for thinking of himself as a monster. She had meant everything she had said. From the moment their conversation had started till then, all Jasper had felt was acceptance, love and sincerity from Izzy. She truly did not think of him any differently. Jasper felt his throat clog and constrict, no words leaving him. In that moment he had never felt more loved or in love.

He had hugged her then, finally letting go of his doubts and uncertainty. Izzy had responded immediately, bringing him into her.

This time she'd comfort him. This time she'd protect him. This time she'd be his shield.

"I don't know if your extremely brave or extremely stupid" he muttered, unmoving as he sat, face pressed into her neck.

"Probably both" Izzy grinned, knowing he'd feel it even if he didn't see it, he refused to remove his face from her neck and his arms from around her waist. "But this time I'm neither. You bring me happiness Jasper, one that I was lacking. You fill the hole my father left and another that I never knew was there in the first place."

"Liz" Jasper moved then. His forehead coming to rest on her own,his breathe fanned her face. "My Liz"


Jasper had dropped her of after a soft kiss to the neck and promise to see her the next day and answer any questions she had. He hadn't given her a specific time and since her mom was on night call, she had nothing to do but wait. Sure she could sing, or choreograph a new dance or even write some music but for some reason she didn't feel like it. This has lead her to her current predicament, idly playing her guitar and humming along to some random tune she had stuck in her head.

After an unidentified time of procrastination, she heard a knock. It wasn't far away like was used to, indicating someone's presence at their main door. It was close, too close. It took a moment for Izzy to realise it was on her window. Letting out gasp, Izzy opened her curtains quickly. It was Jasper.

She quickly let him in before closing the window. Jasper looked around the room curiously before nodding in appreciation.

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