The Truth

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To say Izzy was excited for the date would be the understatement of the century, she was absolutely elated. She'd danced around her room for an hour until some of her energy had burned out. The only difference between her and the other girls dancing was that hers looked like a million dollar performance and not random hip thrusts and lunges. After she was done she'd thrown herself on the nearest love seat, a deep rooted happiness still there only she wasn't bouncing off of walls.

She received a text from Jasper telling her they'd be riding his bike so she could dress up as a hot biker again. Izzy had burned a bright red when she'd read the hot biker part. Of coarse she'd oblige. Getting permission from her mom had been easier than expected. She'd been hesitant when she'd first heard about her date but the moment she'd mentioned it was Jasper, the boy who'd bought her to the hospital her mom had instantly caved. Izzy had almost laughed at how excited her mom had been, asking her where he was taking Izzy and what she'd wear. Izzy had to remind her mom to chill, one would think it was her moms date and not her own. Laura was bipolar that was for sure.

Izzy had decided to wear the same outfit as she had worn today, just changing her shoes and prepping abit more. It was all set in her head. Now all that was left was the actual date.

All Izzy could think about was tomorrow and was almost thankful for the distraction that Angela's call had provided her. She wanted to know all the detail of yesterday night and so Izzy  told her leaving nothing out except maybe the empath part and the her almost getting raped bit. Okay so maybe she left a big chunk out but she did tell her how when the waitress had tried to flirt with him, he hadn't so much as glance at her. His entire focus on her and her only. Angela threw a fit when she found out Jasper had asked her out on a real date. Izzy had gushed how he'd take her out on a ride and would spend the entire day with her. Angela had said how his date was different than typical ones and how it was extremely thought out. Izzy knew that already but felt even better hearing it from someone else.

When they were done, Izzy went down to her mother. She saw her sitting on the couch infront of the television, watching intently as some Derek broke up with his impregnated girlfriend. Izzy sat next to her as they sat in comfortably silence. They didn't say much, merely basking in each other's presence. Her mom was her pivot, grounding her and keeping her sane. She was nothing without her. People had come and gone but the only one real constant had been her mother; always.

They sat and talked well into the night. It was around 11;30 at night when Izzy finally trudged back to her room on the account of wanting a good nights rest for the next day. Getting in bed was the easy part but actually falling asleep was another matter altogether. She tried everything until finally humming herself to sleep.

She woke up next morning feeling refreshed and just happy. It took a minute to recall why she was feeling this way. And when she did realise, she was giddy all over again. For the first time in her life she practically jumped out of bed, taking a quick shower. By the time she was done it was already 12pm. Her quick shower might not have been as quick as she thought.

Robing herself, she sat infront of her dresser. She dried her hair and twisted them into lose bouncing curls. Layering her face with light makeup, paying special attention to her eyes she sat in her lounge, waiting patiently for Jasper to show up. Her mom came down to sit with her, calming her gradually fraying nerves. What if he didn't show up? What if she made a fool out of herself? What if he realised he didn't like her? Irrational insecurities and doubts raced through her.

Her mom calmed her down talking about all of her fears stupid. Her told her how Jasper looked at her and it was filled with nothing but love and that had been only a couple of weeks after they had met by now she was sure he was head over heals for Izzy. Laura took her daughters hand into her own.

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