One Look

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The next morning she woke up with a start. She had a dream, something to do with her running for her life before a sense of security settled over her as someone took her into their arms. It was hazy, the details blurred. The more she tried to get a grip on her dream the faster it seemed to slip through her fingers; like sand.

Shaking her head she got up after seeing the time, it was too late to go back to bed anyways. Izzy made her way to the shower, adjusting the temperature till it was warm enough for her to be comfortable. Standing in the shower she let her mind ponder as she lathered her hair. Today she was going to school. To say that she was nervous would be an understatement, she was absolutely terrified but she knew for a fact that she would never let it show. To the world she would look calm and collected, aloof even, but the storm of emotions that would be swirling inside of her would be her own. There were times when she wished she could let other people know but at the same time she knew that was next to impossible,' Elizabeth Storm was supposed to be a tigress, fearless and unyielding. She was quite literally a storm, she would keep that persona despite how much trouble it was worth because her persona helped her from getting hurt all over again.

Getting out of the shower with a towel wrapped around her body, she rampaged through her currently rather limited closet, after a five minute indecision she finally chose one.

Getting out of the shower with a towel wrapped around her body, she rampaged through her currently rather limited closet, after a five minute indecision she finally chose one

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It was simple but it would suffice especially with her leather jacket and block heeled, brown leather boots. Applying a thin layer of makeup consisting of a bb cream, some mascara and a nude lip, she made her way down stairs. Izzy always had liked to look nice and presentable, and make up was always fun for her, she didn't get why people disliked it. But then again she couldn't care less.

Their pantry was still empty and so was the fridge, the only item in there being last nights leftovers. Taking out a small portion of their previous meal, she heated it, making sure to leave enough for her mother when she woke up. Chewing slowly and taking her sweet time, Izzy popped on her head phones and hit it on shuffle, already thinking of different dance moves to go with the beat. She'd choreograph it when she got back.

Around the time she was about to leave her mother came downstairs, all dressed up and ready to head out, informing her before she left that she'd be back soon after Izzy came back from school. Now that made her smile. Back in California her mom would usually come back home much later, and when she did, she'd be extremely exhausted and worn out. Seeing her mom home would be a welcome change.

Izzy quickly headed out after placing a swift kiss on her mother's cheek. Outside she was greeted by a sleek black bike, causing her heart to burst in elation. It was her baby, how'd it reach so soon she had no idea but she was glad. Pulling on her custom helmet she twisted the key in, feeling her bike roar to life. Izzy has seen the school on her way last night and being gifted with a photographic memory, had quickly memorized it.

The drive to school had calmed her frayed nerves, the wind against her body made her feel as though she was flying, it made her feel unstoppable. In less than ten minutes she was at school. Time to set the bitch face in place.  Schooling her face to nonchalance, she parked her bike close to the main office, swinging of her bike she took of her helmet, shaking her head in process, allowing her locks to naturally fall in place. Ignoring the stares around her she made her way to the front office, eluding an aura of indifference. Forks unapproachable new girl was here.

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