Chapter 2

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Stiles sat in the Sheriff's office analysing the blueprints to Eichen House. He was begining to get frustrated that he still had no idea how to get Peter out. He took out a folder of notes on Mountain Ash that Dr.Deaton had given him & began analysing those also, highlighting important bits as he went along. He heard the Sheriff enter the office but didn't look up. Instead he continued furiously searching for a way to get the psychotic Peter Hale out of Eichen House without attracting too much attention whilst doing so.

"What are you looking for?" Said the footsteps. Stiles paused as he realised it wasn't his father standing before him but the one person he knew would try to convince him to abandon his ridiculous plan.

"Just some information" Stiles replied truthfully refusing to look up.

"Oh really, as if that wasn't obvious. Duh! Now why are you suddenly so curious about Mountain Ash? Yeah, that's right I know you've been asking Deaton loads of questions. So what I want to know is why?"

"Does it matter? Maybe I just want to know more about defense against the supernatural. Ever think of that?" Stiles replied, still refusing to look up.

"Maybe.. But you and I both know that's not why you want to know... What about the blueprints to Eichen House you have there? Suddenly interested in the mental institution that locked you up and tried to kill you? Nah.. I don't think that's why you are suddenly so interested in all this information. Actually I know that's not why you're interested" the voice replied sarcastically.

"Oh really? Then why do you think I'm suddenly so interested then huh? Or should I ask what do you know?" Stiles looked up at the figure standing in the door way. The figure took two steps forward before carefully considering how to phrase their next sentence.

"I know you're trying to break Peter out of Eichen House. But I want to know why? Why do you suddenly want to let that psycho out? What could Peter possibly help you with that Scott or I couldn't? That's what I want to know Stiles"

Stiles sighed as he decided there was no point in trying to hide the secret any longer. He know he need to tell someone he trusted and the person standing before him was probably he best chance at solving the mystery, that is if he didn't rip his throat out for asking Peter to help.

"Look you're right Derek. Okay?  I was trying to break Peter out but I had a reason to..." Stiles paused, trying to gauge Derek's reaction before he continued his story, telling Derek everything. He told him all about the Nogitsune, the coroner's report, his visit to Peter and most importantly why he didn't tell Scott. Eventually he had nothing left to say and waited nervously for Derek's response. He half expected Derek to tell him how stupid he is was for listening to the Nogitsune or for going to Peter for help, instead of his friends.

"Okay" Derek replied

"Okay? That's all you have to say? What do you mean by okay Derek?"

"Okay I'll help. But you have to do everything I say Stiles. EVERYTHING!" Derek growled in anger at the stupidity of the teenager. 

★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ 

The days that followed his conversation in the Sheriff's office with Derek Hale were torture for Stiles. He was having a hard time trying to stop himself from digging further into the mysterious secret he was trying desperately to solve. He knew he need to follow Derek's instructions and just let him handle things, especially seeing as a large part of the story had something to do with the Hale family. But his brain couldn't resist trying to figure out what the connection between the two families was. Stiles believed if he could figure it out the connection, the rest of the pieces would just fall into place. Whether or not that would actually be the case was yet to be seen.

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