Chapter 7

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Stiles awoke to the sound of an alarm clock buzzing. He sighed as he rolled over and tried to switch it off. He opened his eyes quickly when he realised that it wasn't an alarm clock but a blood pressure machine in the hospital.

"Glad to see you've finally woken up. Now stay still and stopping moving your arm so I can get a proper reading from this thing" Melissa smiled down at him, "how do you feel?"

"Like a punching bag for an angry werewolf on the night of a full moon" Stiles smiled weakly.

"Well that's because you were" she laughed.

"Aww crap. You mean that wasn't just a terrifyingly realistic nightmare? Damn it" he asked sarcastically.

"I'm guessing the ability to use sarcasm is a good sign. But seriously though, how are you feeling? Oh and I don't mean emotionally"

"Just a headache, dizziness and nausea but I'm sure I live. How long have I been here? Is there any news about Jess?" Stiles asked hopefully.

"You're here three days. You were on morphine for the pain up until last night which is why you haven't woken up before now. As for Jess, I'm afraid not Stiles. They haven't stopped looking though. Have you figured out who she is yet?" Melissa confirmed what he already knew deep down.

"No but I swear to God I've seen her before. I just have to figure out where" Stiles sighed sadly as a doctor walked in followed by what looked like another nurse.

"Hello Stiles. I'm glad to see the morphine has worn off and you're awake. You had quite a nasty fall. The stitches in your arm and on your head can come out next week. As for the cast you'll have that for awhile longer so no more lacrosse for you this season. This is Dr. Smyth. She is a physiotherapist from LA who I've asked to help you build the strength back up in your arm once it has healed" the doctor said looking down at Stiles' chart.

"Melly? Is that you?" Melissa asked, staring at the physiotherapist in shock.

"Melissa McCall? No way. I haven't seen you since Scott was three. How is my gorgeous godson?" Dr. Smyth replied hugging Melissa tight.

"He's good. He's away on a camping trip with a few friends at the moment. When did you get back in town? Where are you staying?"

"Oh I got back about two and a half weeks ago. I've been staying in a little motel on the edge of town. Its only temporarily as I don't want to find the perfect place if I'm not going to be in town very long" Melly replied.

"Well why don't you come stay with us? We have a spare room and I'm sure Scott would love to see you again" Melissa offered.

"Oh I couldn't do that Melissa. I'm fine in the motel, honestly..." Melly began but Melissa cut her off.

"Melly Smyth, I will not let you stay in a motel while you're in town. You're like a sister to me so you are staying with us and you do not have a choice in the matter"

"Eh Melissa can you please get me some pain meds and some food? I'm starving" Stiles interrupted. The two old friends turned to face the teenager, suddenly remembering that they weren't alone.

"Okay Stiles. I'll also text Scott and tell him you're awake" Melissa smiled as she walked out the door.

"Hello M... I'm sorry how do I pronounce it?" Dr. Smyth looked at Stiles' chart.


"It doesn't look like Stiles. It looks like M.." she began trying to pronounce the name written on his chart. He laughed a little at how horribly wrong she was.

"Just call me Stiles and don't ever try say that again" he said seriously.

"Okay then Stiles, I hear you had a bad fall while on a camping trip with your girlfriend. Do you mind me asking how exactly you ended up covered in glass in the middle of the woods?" Dr. Smyth asked curiously.

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