Chapter 10

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A.N. Hey sorry it has been forever since I updated but I've been quite ill the last few weeks but I'm a little better now. I had planned on posting this on Christmas Eve but I had no Wi-Fi until now. Hope you had a lovely Christmas if you celebrate it! Thanks for your patience & for reading whatever this is! Oh I also put a picture of the three female characters I've created above so you guys can see what they look like :) x

Before Scott could say anything else, Stiles bombarded him with a million questions, "What do you mean he's missing? Where is he? Is Malia okay? What happened? What..."

"Stiles give him a chance to answer!" Derek grumbled as he put on his leather jacket.

"Where are you going?" Stiles questioned him as he grabbed his keys and headed for the door.

"To find Liam"

"Okay just let me grab my jacket.." Stiles began but Derek cut him off.

"I'm going to find Liam. You're going to stay here and wait for me to get back"

"But I wanna help!" Stiles whined, his eyes pleading with Derek.

"We don't know what's out there. It's too dangerous Stiles. Please just stay here! I'll call Lydia to come over and you two can try figure out what's going on . We'll text you" Derek called out as he left Stiles standing there disappointed. As much as Derek wanted to bring Stiles to help, he couldn't bring himself to put Stiles in danger again. After all he had already risked too much today.

He had texted Scott, Kira and Malia telling them to meet him at his old house. When he arrived Scott and Kira were already there waiting for him on the porch but there was no sign of Malia. Before he even got out of the car, he could sense Scott's worry. It reminded him of the worry he experienced when Erica and Boyd disappeared; the constant nagging feeling that they were in trouble and that he should be doing more to help them. He remembered sensing their pain and fear, hoping that he would find them but he didn't get there in time. The pain of the memory unexpectedly hit him like a ton of bricks so he pushed it out of his mind. He had one job now and that was to find Liam alive so that Scott didn't have to go through the unbearable pain of loosing a beta. Scott didn't deserve to go through that.

"Where's Stiles?" Kira asked as Derek got out of the car.

"At my place. Where's Malia?" he replied listening to see if he could hear her approaching in the distance.

"We've no idea. No one has heard from her since this morning. We were just about to go out and look for her but we were waiting for you" Kira informed him.

"How you holding up?" Derek glanced at Scott who just smiled weakly in return. "Right well let's go find Malia and Liam"

The three of them combed the woods for hours, their enhanced senses heightened to pick up any trace of Liam or Malia but they could find none and Derek could feel Scott's panic intensify as night began to fall. Derek knew that their hopes of finding either of the two had long since diminished and that something was obviously seriously wrong. Derek had started searching where the scent of Malia was strongest and followed it until it disappeared. When it disappeared he continued heading in that direction for several of miles but found nothing so he headed back to where the scent disappeared and headed in a different direction which he repeated until he had covered every possible direction. Just as he was about to think of a new strategy his phone rang. He fished through his pockets for a brief moment before pulling it out and checking the caller id.

"Stiles please tell me you have something"

"Of course I do. Why else would I ring you Derek?" Even at a time like this Stiles couldn't stop his sarcasm.

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