Author's Note

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Hey Beautiful,

I want to thank you for taking time to read my fanfic. I really appreciate all the reads, votes & comments even though there is only a few.

I love reading your comments, especially your theories & opinions.

I've decided to start dedicating chapters to people who share my story or comment on it.

If you want me to read one of your stories/fanfics then message me & I'll be sure to check it out, maybe recommend it to my followers (Yes I know I don't have that many but hey).

If there is something you want me to possibly include in this (e.g. more romance, more fighting/danger etc) just comment & I'll try my best to fit it in with the story.

I just realised I suck at writing Author's Notes but anyway I just want to say a huge thank you to everyone & to tell you all that I would love to hear your opinions/theories so don't be shy.

Also if you're afraid of offending me, don't be, I just want to make this fanfic enjoyable for everyone & if you see any spelling or grammatical errors PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE point them out so I can fix them as they annoy me .

Anyway, thank you for reading/voting/commenting/sharing/being amazing


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