Chapter 11

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Derek spent the next twenty minutes cursing Stiles for his agonisingly slow human speed as he anxiously waited for him to arrive. Derek had tried multiple times to break the Mountain Ash barrier but he knew it was pointless. He remained crouched down beside the crevice that Malia's body was under until at long last he heard the familiar roar of the Jeep as it struggled to stay alive approaching in the distance before it eventually pulled up beside him.

"What the hell took you so long Stiles?" Derek questioned the minute the Jeep door opened.

"The Jeep died" Stiles murmured quietly as he got out.

"The Jeep died? She could've died Stiles!" Derek snapped, grabbing Stiles' shirt and slamming him against the Jeep door. Stiles winced momentarily in fear and Derek instantly let him go.

"Yeah well I could've broken the barrier by now if you didn't try to kill me just now" Stiles yelled back as he began to walk away.

"Stiles . . ." Derek began but he was cut off.

"Forget it." Derek immediately regretted his actions but there was nothing he could do now. He couldn't help but lash out at those closest to him when he was worried.

Stiles leaned down and broke the barrier before reaching out to ensure Malia was still alive, letting out a small sigh of relief as he realised she was. Derek gave Stiles a minute before following him over and pulling Malia's limp body gently from under the rock.

She was ice cold to touch and her skin was as white as snow. Her long hair matted with twigs and leaves knotted through it. She had claw marks all over her body which was stained in bright red blood. It was obvious something was terribly wrong; she wasn't healing and Derek couldn't catch her scent even though she was bleeding out in his arms.

"We need to get her to Deaton now. There is something seriously wrong. I ... I can't catch her scent" Derek mumbled confused as he stood up and gently carried Malia over to the Jeep. He lay her across the back seat and sat down beside her while Stiles clambered into the driver's seat.

When they got to the animal clinic Lydia was already there helping Deaton set up. Deaton took one look at Malia and froze completely. The atmosphere in the room suddenly shifted, becoming more ominous. Derek wanted to tear his head off in that moment. Deaton was supposedly one of the best in the world, never mind Beacon County, when it came to the supernatural. After all he would've had to have been if he worked alongside Thalia Hale.

"What's wrong doc? Why is she not healing?" Apparently Stiles had noticed the change in the atmosphere also.

"I ... I don't know. It's ... It's just that ... " Deaton's voice  trailed off and Derek could feel his anger rising. If Deaton didn't do something soon Derek would kill him.

"What?" Derek snapped.

"Well ... These markings are very interesting ... it looks like these here are claw marks ... but these here look like puncture wounds ... then you have marks here that look as though they were made from a long knife or sword ... but all these wounds have this liquid buried in them ... the only thing is it looks like there is more than one kind of liquid ... one of them could be why she's not healing ... I won't know for definite until I run some tests though"

"What does that mean? All the different markings?" Lydia wondered aloud.

"She was attacked by more than one creature" Stiles guessed and Deaton nodded as he collected samples from all the wounds before hooking Malia up to  some machines.

"Did you figure out what was the spider creature from the hospital?" Derek questioned fiercely, still angry that it had taken Deaton so long to compose himself before he inspected Malia.

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