Chapter 12

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A.N. Okay so I'm aware that it has been forever since I updated last & I have good reasons as to why but I won't bore you with them as I'm sure you're all super eager to read this next chapter. I just had an awful lot going on this past year, especially the last few months.

I just wanted to say a huge thank you to everyone who has stuck around & waited patiently (extremely patiently) for me to update. I really hope this update is worth it. (It's kind of a filler for the next bit of action though). Also I wanted to say welcome to all my new readers. Thanks everyone

"Derek come back. What's wrong?" Lydia yelled after him as he sprinted out of Deacon's office, out of the clinic all together. He took off running in the direction of the woods, not bothering to explain what the problem was to Lydia. He had no idea where he was going or why but he couldn't stop himself. He just kept running until eventually he stopped in the clearing just a few hundred yards from the old Hale house, the one that had burned down all those years ago. Somehow or another he always found himself here when he needed to clear his head or whenever something was seriously wrong.

Derek was furious. He was furious at Lydia for not keeping a better eye on Stiles, furious at Melissa for allowing Jess to leave the hospital, furious at Scott for endangering the pack repeatedly; after all, it was his fault that Malia was hurt and that Liam was missing. But most of all, Derek was furious with himself for everything that had happened to the teenagers. He blamed himself for all of it – Scott getting turned, Lydia becoming a Banshee, the Nogitsune using Stiles as its host, Alison and Aiden's deaths, Jess and Liam's disappearing acts, Malia getting injured badly and now Stiles. He felt like they were his responsibility, that he was the one that had to keep them safe even though Scott was their Alpha. He was the adult, the voice of reason when Scott's young mind couldn't comprehend the full extent of the dangers they faced. God how he wished he had been stricter in the past with them, maybe they wouldn't be in this mess if he had. He knew he was being irrational, after all it was Peter's fault for starting all of this by turning Scott. Or was it? Did he not start it when he told Kate his family secret? It didn't matter, none of it mattered now. The only thing that was important now was saving them, all of them. He still hadn't forgiven himself for losing Alison and Aiden and he couldn't lose anyone else. He had to save them all.

Derek glanced around the clearing, his head much clearer now. He decided that he had already wasted far too much time here instead of looking for Stiles. He needed to find Stiles immediately, he was their only hope for finding the others. Derek had no idea how he did it but Stiles somehow always managed to find the missing link that solved the puzzle even without any supernatural abilities. Derek whipped his phone out of his pocket and dialled Stiles' number. Just as he expected, there was no answer but at least it rang. He tried twice more before dialling Scott.

"Meet me at my loft in an hour. Bring everyone except Malia obviously"

"We're too busy looking for Stiles, Derek. Why did you just take off?" Scott snapped.

"Just trust me on this one. I've got a plan to find them, all of them. Now do what you're told. I've texted you a list of things you need to bring with you" Derek growled as he hung up. He doubted that it was going to work but he had to give it a shot, for Stiles' sake.

Derek strolled into the Sheriff's Station and scanned the room filled with deputies unable to find the one he was looking for.

"Derek Hale, where the hell is my son?" a voice boomed from behind him. Derek felt him enter the room but hoped he wouldn't notice him but of course he did. Derek spun around to face the voice.

"Hey Sheriff" Derek forced a weak smile, his mind trying desperately to think of something to tell him. He didn't want to worry him with the truth and he didn't want the Sheriff to hate him for what had happened.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2017 ⏰

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