Chapter 9

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A.N. An update at last! I'm super sorry it took so long and I'm only realising how long it's been now but I have my reasons. I had serious writers block with this chapter and just could not write it in a way that done justice to the story. I also changed the ending at least 3 times. Most of this chapter was written while I was in the hospital or on holiday as I've had very little time recently. Again I'm super sorry and I'll try not to take as long with the next update! Thank you for being patient and I just remembered that the story had less than 900 views before I began to write this chapter and now it has almost 2k!! That's incredible. I can't thank you all enough!! Please let me know what you think of this chapter

The tension remained between Derek and Stiles in the days that followed their argument. Stiles had forgiven himself for his mistake of thinking Derek cared about them in a non-werewolf way and was willing to put it all behind them. Well he would be after he got a few more answers from Derek. Derek however, had not forgiven himself for hurting Stiles in his anger and shock at Peter. He still hadn't told Stiles about Jess's birth certificate as he knew it would probably hurt Stiles further. He kept everyone at a distance, telling them next to nothing other than was was absolutely essential for them to know. The tension between the two did not go unnoticed by the rest of the pack. After all, they didn't need super werewolf senses to know that Derek was colder and grumpier than usual.

There was still no sign of Jess and no one had managed to successfully come up with a plan that both Stiles and Derek agreed on. Seeing as they didn't know who she was or if she was connected to the secret, it meant both of them had an input on any plans involving her which was proving more trivial than it sounded. To make it worse, Lydia was finding more and more bodies every day which only added to Derek's frustration. He needed to do something and soon or they entire population of Beacon Hills would be wiped out before the year was over but he had no idea what.

Derek paced back and forth across the loft. It wasn't something he usually done as it seemed 'too human' to him but he couldn't help himself. He needed answers and he needed them now. He was torn between doing what he knew was right and doing what he wanted to do despite its dangers. But then again if he got the answers he needed by choosing the dangerous option, wouldn't it be the right one? Derek ran his hand through his hair, groaning in frustration. He really didn't know what to do.

'We need to talk' was all the message said.

'I know. Meet you at your place in an hour' the reply came almost instantly

'No. We need to talk NOW. Come alone and don't tell anyone'

'On my way'

Derek had made his mind up and now it was too late to change it. He just hoped that there would be no unexpected interruptions. Every second that passed since he sent the first message seemed to last an eternity. He continued pacing the loft until at long last he heard the sound of a vehicle in the distance. He managed to wait until the engine stopped before he made his way outside.

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