Chapter 8

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Derek sat at the bar alone thinking about everything that had happened in the last few weeks. First Stiles came to him about the secret then Jess shows up while he was in Mexico before disappearing and Stiles was attacked twice. Maybe his little trip to Mexico wasn't such a good idea.

He didn't exactly lie to Stiles when he said he didn't find his aunt in Mexico. What he did find was her dead body wrapped in giant spider webs and a trunk filled with old documents in her family vault. Lucky for him it was his mom's sister not his dad's so he could open it with his claws. He went through most of its contents before he left Mexico. Nothing really stood out apart from what appeared to be Jess' birth certificate. Although it didn't help him much as the name on it read 'Jessica Hale' being born to his aunt and uncle which he believed was untrue. He sighed as he knocked back the end of his drink. There was definitely something going on he just had to figure it all out.

He ordered another drink before changing his train of thought to what Stiles had asked him. He couldn't believe that Peter had told him but then again it was Peter so it was a surprise he didn't at say anything sooner. Yes it was true. Derek did hate Stiles when they first met. He was loud, incredibly annoying and always seemed to get in Derek's way. He even got Derek arrested, alerting the hunters to his presence in Beacon Hills. It was also true that he made Peter promise not to kill Stiles. Part of it was because he wanted to kill Stiles himself but the other part wanted to keep the teenager safe from the psychotic werewolf because he knew Scott would never trust him again if anything happened to Stiles and at that time Derek really needed Scott's help. The question was did he still hate Stiles? He groaned when he realised he didn't know. He knocked back the last of his drink as the waitress handed him another.

"Sorry miss but I didn't order this" he explained politely.

"I know. That lady over there bought it for you" the waitress replied pointing in the direction of a young woman who was sitting alone near the door. Derek smiled as he took in the familiar scent. He hadn't seen her since before the fire. He picked up the drink and headed over to her.

"Hi Derek" she hugged him as he reached the table.

"Hello Lucy. Thanks for the drink. How are you?" he hugged her back.

"You're welcome about the drink. Its strong stuff so something must be up. Not too bad I guess. What about you? It's been years since I saw you last" she sat back down and Derek sat across from her.

"I've been worse. So when did you get back in town?" he responded honestly.

"The other day. I just had to come back and visit her. I really miss her Derek. I haven't visited since it happened and was hoping it might help me get closure" she whispered the last part as if she was unsure about it.

"I know what you mean. I'm sorry Lu. I really miss her too" he sensed her pain through the air.

"I heard about the fire. I wanted to come back and see you both when it happened but I just couldn't bring myself to come back. It was too soon. I'm so sorry Derek. I really am" her eyes were filled with pain from the past.

"It's okay Lu, I understand. After the fire we left with the intention of never coming back just like you did. We stayed together for awhile but you know Laura. She had to come back for closure or something I guess and well that's how I ended up returning to the one place I never wanted to see again. The place that took them all from me" his eyes were cold as he remembered running away with Laura, the same way Lucy ran.

"She always could persuade you into doing things her way. How is she?" Lucy's eyes lit up as she remembered her best friend persuading a young Derek into taking the blame for the two of them breaking one of the most valuable antiques in the house.

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