Car ride

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I rarely choose to go out to eat.
Mostly because of the cost but as well as not enjoying leaving home. Being in between jobs makes it awfully difficult to afford to go eating around willy-nilly, so if the circumstances were different this would be a delightful experience.

However, in this case I'm forced to go out to this 'dinner' with the people who rear ended my car yesterday at 4:30 on a Tuesday.

I'm choosing to dress myself nice despite my distain and discomfort toward the two, it's a nice gesture and I won't take something like that for granted, at least one of us can act like a decent person..

If getting rear ended was scary, then being driven around by Lola was the 7th layer of HELL.

I'd begin to describe the things that happened in that 10 minute drive however I don't want to give you an aneurism.

Let's just say I'd rather be in the car with a blind, deaf, sick, dying, racoon then Lola. I think the racoon would at least acknowledge red lights.

Despite the heart attack causing ride, you made it to Bug's and Daffy's home in one piece.

Waiting in the car with surprising silence as Lola listened to the radio quietly, you let your mind wander, staring at your hands and picking at your nails, still in a sort of daze just letting anything that may happen to you happen, what more can you even do? You felt like these last 24 hours everyone had been tossing you around like a rag doll.

You didn't know what to think, all of this just all felt so weird. It just felt, off. somehow.

You wish you could have gone more into depth with this thinking, however you were immediately jolted out of it by the slam of the twos front door, followed by muttering as they walked toward the car.

The two of them to your surprise were dressed nice, nicer then you'd expect, at least both in dress shirts and PANTS? Wow, they must really be looking for your approval.

Daffy and bugs, arguing about something insignificant grew closer to the car, both intending to sit in the backseat given Lola's belongings piled in the passenger seat.

As your delayed reaction kicked in-

'Oh my god. Wait- I need to sit in the front- I don't want to sit between these two- I have to move NOW-'

But that thought was far too late as both doors swung open with Bugs and Daffy getting in with you swiftly unbuckling and shifting to the middle tensing your shoulders, as the two of them got in silently, inevitably far too close for comfort as Lola looked back to greet the two.

"Hi hun bun! You three ready to go?"

She grinned at Bugs, then at all three of you as Bugs reclined casually in his seat with a calmer demeanour then yesterday- most likely because of the circumstance change, but I mean still, I'd certainly be tense if it were me..

"Yup, thanks for the ride Lola, but do try to stay in the correct lane mmkay? I don't need to deal with another car related issue this soon"

He half chuckled nudging your arm, before lifting it and resting it up on the seat behind you. Extremely close to your shoulders making you tense up even more.

The two seemed to have no sense of personal space or respect, which is expected out of the likes of toons but it doesn't make it any less unfamiliar and uncomfortable to you.

Lola nodded turning around confidently starting to drive, despite the loud scraping against the curb as you left.

"You look nice"

Bugs smirked, almost acting like a whole other person unlike the apologetic nervous wreck he was yesterday.

Shocked, as you turned your head slowly as if it was on a rusty metal pivot, you tried to reach for a response to that compliment. definitely not prepared. despite, being a reasonable conversation starter considering you were being taken out on a dinner date, essentially.

"Oh. thank you. Uh, you two smell nice."

You paused, before choking on your words and proceeding to vomit more out.

"NO god- god- sorry- you look nice- as well- sorry that was a really weird thing to say I d-"

"My lord! you talk too much! Why didn't the concussion make you forget how to talk.."

Daffy interrupted as bugs shot him a STOP IT NOW! Sort of glare swiftly silencing him as Bugs tugged your arm making you turn your head back to him as your noses practically touched given you were in the back seat of Lola's tiny, TINY, car.

"Just ignore him, and thank you."

Bugs smiled leaning away in what seemed like slow motion, letting go of his grip on your arm then leaning on the window as you held your breath trying not to hyperventilate from the interaction. You haven't been close to people in a while. Not that close definitely.

You didn't exactly know how it made you feel, so we will go with anxious.

If not for the circumstance, normally you'd assume as would anyone, that was some sort of sick way of being flirtatious. However, god.. that HOPEFULLY wasn't the case, considering the guys girlfriend sitting in the front seat of the car.

Then again, you were hit by a duck in a parking lot at 20 miles per hour at a stop sign. God isn't real and anything in this hellish reality is possible.

"This, is for you.."

Daffy said smugly smirking at you with a quick tap on the shoulder to get your attention, handing you a napkin with messy writing on it.


You muttered quietly looking at the crumpled up thing, as Bugs leaned forward to see what the hell Daffy was handing to you.

"Daffy. what is that"

Bugs groaned unamused as Daffy immediately dropped his act scoffing at Bugs angrily.

"You told me I needed to apologize! This all happened a day ago, I didn't have time to get a card, I can't win with you can I!"

Daffy huffed throwing his hands above his head angrily as you simply sat enduring the conversation.

"Daffy, that is not a way to apologize, I meant verbally."

"There's words on the card! What you think they can't read? That's awfully rude of you, And IM the bad guy??"

"Card?! That's a used napkin!"

"Well, that's your opinion, I'm sure they are HAPPY! I took the time to do this for them!"

"No- no no, Your trying to apologize for totalling my car, putting my neck out, and making my week maybe month or even year HELL with a used napkin that says "very sorry, should have checked your blindspot" ?"

I interrupted as Daffy threw his arms up once again.


He exclaimed as we were are flung forward by Lola's sudden slam on the breaks as we arrived, with the two of them crashing into the front seats as I went straight through the middle, before slamming back against our seats with Lola smiling back at us.

"Text me when you three are done!"

She grinned as I rubbed my further damaged neck, as Bugs gave a "thank you" wave at her weakly, before helping me out as I tensely limped away from the car with the two, as she did a U turn in the driveway, almost hitting the valet, and driving off.

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