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Daffy stood in the doorway helplessly seeing his attempt to only wake Bugs and not you, failed.

Bugs, definitely not happy and lacking concern for the duck at this moment shot Daffy a disappointed glare, before angrily getting out of bed with a sigh before you had a chance to even register what was happening.

As you did begin to wake up and take in your surroundings, you couldn't feel anything but worry considering the events that took place earlier in the day as the two left for the hallway to you assume speak.

You just hoped keeping your mouth shut about that bathroom was the right move, you hoped Bugs was going easy on Daffy if he wasn't happy about him waking the two of you up.

Bugs slowly shut the door to his room as they walked, Bugs didn't want this to disturb you though you were already wide awake.

Daffy rubbed his shoulders anxiously as they headed to Daffy's room to muffle any conversation that would take place going forward, Bugs just stood with his arms crossed while Daffy silently took a seat on his bed only able to look up at Bugs.

Bugs frustration became apparent to Daffy before he even spoke, Daffy knew he wasn't supposed to bother Bugs while you were in there so he expected anger, but shit, he looked mad.

Bugs was extremely used to being woken up by Daffy at absurd hours of the night but thats usually just accompanied by Daffy crawling into bed with him and passing out. However, this was just not needed. Not tonight, the ONE night Daffy had to just leave him be. Bugs wasn't exactly 'angry' and of corse worried about why Daffy needed to wake him, But based on past events it probably wasn't an emergency, and he could have just sucked it up.


Bugs sighed exhausted as Daffy stared at him seemingly more uneasy by the second unable to get a word out.

"Your angry..?"

Daffy mumbled staring at Bugs wide eyed, as Bugs just scoffed trying to say grounded but unable to completely, tired and frustrated.

"No, I'm just- did you have to do this tonight?"

Bugs groaned defeatedly slumping down beside Daffy, letting go of his anger a tad to look him in the eye.

"Are you okay?"

Bugs said in a more gentle tone, trying to keep in mind Daffy wasn't at his strongest today.

"I dunno, I'm alive I guess."

Daffy scoffed looking away, knowing he'd rather have a medical emergency at the moment knowing 'I'm lonely' wouldn't suffice this time.

Bugs rolled his eyes lightly putting his arm around Daffy and pulling his head onto his shoulder gently scratching the side of his head.

"Ugh. it's fine Daf, I should have expected you'd show up. You been up for long?"

Bugs sighed attempting to comfort him, he really can't be that mad after all he should have seen from his behaviour in the kitchen earlier that he was definitely missing Bugs.

"A few hours, I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep so I took melatonin, hardly worked. I wish I could sue I mean it has one job and-"

"Shh.. Daffy just shush.."

Bugs cut him off before he decided to ramble.

"Can you stay?"

Daffy basically whispered, holding onto Bugs arm lightly.


Bugs sighed, trying to form a 'no' with all he had.

"I gotta go back to y/n, they were actin' like this too earlier you know, I sure attract broken people huh?"

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