Calm before the strom

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You carefully cascaded down the stairs with Daffy's presence long gone by now, it seemed that he wanted to run away from you as quickly as possible and as far away as possible which was a tad inconsiderate considering you weren't feeling super confident about wandering around by yourself feeling as off as you did, but you understood that his sudden running away from you was more from Daffy's embarrassment and not neglect of your health, this time at least, since that wouldn't be out of character for the duck.

Reaching the bottom of the stairs in relief you made it in one piece, you slowly crept toward the kitchen to see Bugs at the stove and Daffy on his phone uninterested in his surroundings or rather attempting to ignore them.

The second you walked through that doorway Bugs' head turned swiftly shifting his focus from the eggs he was cooking to you in an instant.

"Oh sorry I didn't hear you come in you were so quiet, feeling okay?"

He asked chuckling after a few seconds of collecting his thoughts, he looked back down at the pan.

"Yeah I'm good don't worry, trust me I'd let you know if I feel any worse, did the doctor say anything?"

You inquired nervously certainly not in the mood to get any terrible news yet wanting to still know what was going on with your condition at the moment.

"He said dizziness is certainly common, however fainting ain't."

Bugs paused his speech to put the scrambled eggs he was making on a plate, meticulously cooking breakfast for you as if he was being paid to do so.

"if you lose consciousness again it's somthin' real serious, but sounds like for now your in the clear for a normal recovery"

He shrugged walking over to your side of the kitchen island, placing the plate of delicious looking and smelling food in front of you as you simply stared at it, being too pretty to eat.

It was the kind of meal you'd see in a movie or get at a diner in the middle of nowhere, god you haven't had the blessing of eating like this in ages.

"Jesus, this food"

You sat with your jaw pretty much hanging open as Bugs paced the kitchen rummaging through his drawer of coffee filters before stopping and glancing over at you assuming a problem.

"Is something wrong with it."

He paused bluntly, in all honesty concerned Daffy had the chance to slip somthing in it when he wasn't looking seeing you slowly take the fork out of your mouth.

"God. no. Bugs Bunny you are an angel in the kitchen."

You muttered, before proceeding to shovel food in your face as he watched taken aback slightly watching you eat like a starving street dog. Being on a budget in a new place with no job meant money was tight, and that definitely effects what you eat.

"Well. Hallelujah then."

He watched confused tilting his head slightly before shaking it off and turning to the coffee pot.

"How do you like your coffee?"

Bugs called out to you with no response, you were too busy scraping your plate.


He turned back to you causing you to snap out of your enjoyment of your meal and look back up at him wide eyed.

"Oh- I'm sorry black is fine, thank you"

You cleared your throat and wiped your face off, already finished your food embarrassingly pushing your plate away from you as you heard the rustling of Daffy behind you getting up with his plate, walking past you quickly and putting it at the sink and turning on his heel walking away.

"You don't feel like putting it in the dishwasher?"

You taunted as Daffy stopped beside you crossing his arms sassily and raising an eyebrow.

"Nope. Why, do you?"

He scoffed back at you as your brief connection with him began to sever as you were promptly reminded of his absolutely erratic way of ignoring any improvement of relationship when it did take place.

"Never mind."

You chuckled with annoyance looking away from him as he shrugged walking off to sit in his recliner and proceed to do nothing for the remainder of the day.

"I suggest you not pick fights with him if you wanna improve your health, here kid"

Bugs said chuckling walking over to your side of the kitchen island placing your mug down as you glanced at it reaching for it promptly.

"I know, I know I should but I'll admit it's hard to resist"

You chucked back at him smiling as you blew on your hot coffee.

You paused for a moment before you took a sip knowing exactly what you wanted to say, however didn't know how to approach the subject appropriately as Bugs sat down beside you on his phone quietly sipping his coffee as well.

The thing on your mind was Daffy, you knew Bugs probably didn't even have a proper answer to the question you wanted to ask however that didn't make you want to ask it less.

"Look, i get it isn't your story to tell..."

You began to speak softly putting you mug down staring forward as Bugs turned down his phone turning his head to you immediately.

"But, really. What is Daffy's problem?"

You bluntly said as Bugs stared for a moment staying silent as his neutral expression shifted to a solemn one not giving an answer as he could still tell you had more to ask.

"I'm sorry I just have to know. I mean- I'm just- he lives here doing nothing- he's- is it medical?? Is it-"

You stammered through your words pausing, as Bugs glanced quietly at the back of Daffy's recliner though the kitchen and then slowly back at you.


"I don't know how much you wanna hear, that's a loaded question."

Bugs snapped out of his silence, chuckling nervously.

"I mean, I'll listen to as much as your willing to tell"

You said upfront as Bugs sighed, ready to unload the inter workings of his friends mind to you, knowing sooner or later he'd had to tell you anyway.

Bugs told you things that didn't exactly shock you.

The lengthy explanation of Daffy's parents being borderline abusive growing up and clearly neglectful explains a lot of Daffy's behaviours in adulthood. It was very clear Bugs explained the topic gently and with great summarization however, but you got the point.

It's still more then you expected, after all it really wasn't his story to tell.

He also explained the circumstances in which Daffy is staying here with him and the state Bugs found him in when they first met, with the few years Daffy was away from his parents ranging from substance abuse to far FAR worse you quickly understood everything.

Besides the obvious that Bugs cares deeply for Daffy, he continued to let him stay here because if not he may be dead or worse.

The pieces finally clicked why everyone treated Daffy like a child that kept messing up but you forgive because you know he doesn't know better.

That's what he is. In every sense of that analogy.

And it saddened you deeply.

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