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Every time he sees a letter from Henituse County, Alver Crossman shudders.

The first was Count Deruth's death threat; the second was Countess Violan's snarky threats, and the third was the twins' love letters. There's Bassen's adorable hello letter, which was written solely to ride along with the other letters. Seeing that innocent letter gives him peace of mind. There is someone genuinely concerned about his well-being.

"These love letters are really good, and I can tell the people who write them are smart."

Rok and Cale are both well-educated children. He'd heard the Thames Households were a house of scholars, so he assumed they inherited their maternal family traits. He looked at the letters and marveled at the beautiful calligraphy, which was written by children as young as eight years old. He read the contents and discovered that the twins were simply having fun.

Some contain silver-tongued praise for another with a poem, but the majority are just ramblings about books and events in their lives.

Tasha, his aunt, was overjoyed with the love letters. She was the only one who was enthusiastic.

"Hm... they're good with words, and their handwriting is lovely, but..."


"What's with the bold letters?" Tasha asked, setting the letter down and pointing out a few repeated letters that appeared to be bold. Alver looked at it for a while and noticed who it was all written about. "They looked like doodles; we can probably ignore it; children love to doodle around."

The first letter he received was a letter threatening him that he couldn't flee. He smiled. He would have stayed in the county for a long time if it hadn't been for the Crown Prince's selection. He wished to play with the twins more, but it appears that he will be preoccupied with some work. He needs to double-time. No one is going to teach him, and the Count has already assisted with his education.

"The king is attempting to build relationships with the noble children," Tasha explained, listing all of the names of the noble children who would be entering the palace. It takes the form of a welcoming banquet for children aged eight to fifteen.

"I forgot to inquire with the count about sending the twins to the capital."

"He should! I want to meet those kids!" Tasha exclaimed as she sat down on the couch to read the remaining love letters.

The children who will enter the palace will have a significant impact on politics. Whoever the noble child likes, the house with the same surname will naturally follow the royal member. He had to admit that the nobles, particularly his maternal family's bloodline, would never support him. He's a half-commoner and half-royal; his commoner ancestry is also complicated; he's a quarter-dark elf.

That makes things worse.

Nobles would surely take Robbit and the Third Prince's faction.

"I need to double-time."


"If only this is not a royal order, I would never send them there!" Deruth angrily crumpled the royal order. The royal scribe flinches after hearing the crisp sound of Deruth's angry voice. "I just sent the pest away but that bastard is trying to tie them up!"

He devilishly laughed and said, "let's see if he can handle my twins."


"What?" Deruth snarks.

"I still need... the count to sign the royal order..." The royal scribe said while pointing at the crumpled paper. Deruth looked at it and eases the crease and sign his name there without care even if the order looks shabby.

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