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Deruth could not keep up with the lovely Cale attack. He was so used to the twins acting mighty and trashy—yeah, plain trashy—that he could not understand it. However, the attack on the lovely and adorable Cale was even more difficult to comprehend.

"I was bracing myself for all of their shenanigans, but..."

They're pretty tamed. Or is this their true nature?

Thinking like that, it's cute. He'll love this version more than the ones who keep pushing him away.

Rok's still as lazy as ever, but he spent his days learning something from Ron and the great library. Cale's going around the county, learning the ways of becoming a patriarch.

Somehow, they thought of Cale as the brawn one and Rok as the brainy one.

But they were too damn wrong. That's why we should never judge a book by its cover.

The twins have a talent of their own.

Cale has the ability to use an aura, and Rok has ancient powers.

In terms of wits and mind games, their minds are equal. However, Cale was more of a politician, while Rok was more of a military person.

Their bodies compensated for each other's shortcomings. Cale is in good health and Rok is in poor health.

Rok looks good in his fashionable clothes, acting as his brother's right-hand man.

Cale, on the other hand, appeared too dignified and noble.

It shook the entire family to the core.

The hard shell older brother and the lying beast younger brother

The good-for-nothing, trouble-induced, illegitimate children are prodigies in their respective fields. Deruth kept an eye on them. He sat in on their conversations for a while. They are attempting to plant people on their own. Deruth never expected the twins to use the Imperial Prince and Rowoon's First Prince.

Cale will become the shield for their goal, while Rok gathers the people for their goal. It's like they're preparing for an amazing banquet where only chosen people are welcomed.

Their only flaw is that their title is illegitimate.

"Hah," he said, leaning against the pillars, feeling terrible. His children are preoccupied with their activities and have neglected their father.

"What are you doing?" Rok inquired.

Cale rushes up to him and wraps his arms around his waist. Deruth suddenly thought that this little attack was difficult to comprehend but—Oh my god! I love this! My lovely baby!

Their lives were filled with shame and embarrassment, but they did not allow it to control them.

There was discontent all around him, but he did not care. He did not waste any time listening to their nonsense, at the very least. And who could blame an innocent child?

Except for a few direct lines, none of the Collaterals or Vassals are missing. Henituse is truly a wealthy family among noble families.

The twins moved next to their father. Deruth's voice echoed.

"What are you up to right now, hm?"

"What kind of crazy stunt are you planning now?" Ron asked.

They frowned but smiled mischievously. The twins smiled and said, "We will stay sane for a change."

That somehow gave them the chills. Sane was never in the Twins dictionary at all!

It's Chaos, Destruction, Insanity!

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