Chapter 21 - The Lake {Part 2}

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(Songs for this chapter -
Don't you know - JAYMES YOUNG


"Simon." She breaths my name like it's the only thing keeping her alive. It sends a need for her on a primal level through my entire body. Gripping the back of her neck I roughly take over her lips with mine, and start moving my hips slowly against hers, there is this bond between us now that makes her feel so fucking good. I can't get enough of her.

As i start to move faster inside of her i can feel her beginning to weaken, her hands running along my arms to my shoulders, up my neck and into my hair, gods she drives me crazy. Her breathing is heavy, little moans of pleasure leave her as she breathes. I pull my face back to look at her, she's so sexy. Her body caged in by mine, her face flushed, hair still wet and messy.

Seeing her like this, falling apart because of me, I can't control my urges for her. All those times she gave me that look, held my hand, said my name, all that tension and passion is now pouring out of both of us.

Her hands pull at my hair and I feel her tense as waves of pleasure rip through her body, a blaze ignited behind her eyes as she gasps for air. Seeing it is more than I can handle, I bury my head in her neck, pushing into her one last time as I unravel within her as well. Her panting is like music to my ears and body.

We are both still for a moment, staying in each others embrace, our hearts and breathing seem to be in rhythm as we both come down out of the most intimate sex I have ever had.
I lift my head to look at her face, she moves her head slightly so I have a better view of her. She's smiling up at me. I press my forehead to hers, my favorite thing, and she puts her hand on my heart her favorite thing. I move my arm up next to her head and lean on my elbow so I don't crush her. Then I realize I haven't left her, fuck I wasn't thinking and didn't pull out before.

"El I'm sorry I wasn't thinking and.."

"It's alright Simon," she stops me knowing what I was going to apologize for. She undoes her legs from around my waist. Grabs my hand and moves it down under my shirt she has on, past her panties to that scar she has that I've felt before.

" I can't have children," she pauses as I move my fingers over her scar again. "They did it as soon as I hit puberty."

She says it so normally, but there is nothing normal about it. I can't stand the thought of it, I just want to...

"Don't leave." She says drawing my attention back to her, placing both her hands on my face. "Stay here with me, I need you." The way she asks is heartbreaking, she's so vulnerable right now. Every time she opens up and tells me something about her past I let my anger take over and my mind leaves her, I didn't realize I was doing it.

"I'm sorry beautiful, I'm not going anywhere. I've got you."

I lean down and kiss her softly, wrapping my arms under her back and legs picking her up at the same time. Walking us back into the water, I know she says she fine but she hasn't slept and her body must still be sore, a little more so now. She gently swings her feet in my arms, every little thing she does is burning it's way into my memory. Replacing only horrible shit with images and feelings of her.

Her fingers are tracing the scars on my chest, she always wants to touch me, it's her way of learning about me without me saying anything. Then she kisses my chest, her lips moving up my neck to my cheek, fuck how is she this cute and sexy at the same time?

"How do you feel, are you sore?" I quietly speak into her hair.

"I'm okay." She answers shaking her head. "My hand is still a little sore." She lifts it out of her lap and into my view. The bandage is more translucent now that it's wet and I can see the stitches on her top of her hand. It's a clean cut and Andrews stitched it well, but that wasn't what I meant.

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