Chapter 53 - Almost Made It

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Love you all ❤️

(Songs for this chapter -
The End - JPOLND
Can't Pretend - TOM ODELL
Before We Drift Away - NOTHING BUT THIEVES)


El closes her eyes in defeat as Soap and I put down our weapons. How could we not, I can't risk her life or watch her die. The knife pressed to her throat drawing blood just panics me more and pushes home my willingness to cooperate.

We slowly kneel down, my hands pulled behind my back and tied. A bag over my head blocking my vision of El.

I am pulled to my feet and walked forwards. Being pushed into the boot of a truck. Soap's pushed in next to me, then El is thrown in on top of us, I can feel her hip and hands on my chest.
She flattens her hand against me, she's shaking. She's so scared and I hate that, I'm actually glad Soap and I are here so she isn't alone.

The rest of the team will come after us, we radioed them as we ran to her aid. I hope they can find us quickly and we can keep her from harm until then. Something didn't seem right but I didn't know how bad it was until we heard grenades and turned to see her running towards us, an entire cartel chasing after her.

Idiot, I shouldn't of left her alone up there. We thought she'd be safer away from the fight.
Never again.

I don't exactly know how long we are in the car for. Maybe two hours if I had to guess, Els hand didn't leave me the entire time.

We come to a stop and I feel her pulled from the top of us before we are forced out as well. I'm terrified, not for myself, for El. I promised her I wouldn't let him hurt her.

We are brought into a room and forced to our knees as they take our hoods off. El is in a chair in front of us and I instantly try and get to her but i'm forced back to the ground.

"Easy their big fella, we haven't got time for that."  He says it both satisfied and annoyed.

He kicks the back of the chair she is tied to and Soap tries to get up this time.

Sanchez lets out a disgusting cackle, I can't wait to rip his throat out.
"Both of them little bird!?" He spits from behind her looking at us.
"You couldn't fill the hole I left in your heart?" He says it into her ear and as much as she doesn't react out loud I can see in her eyes how much torment she's in.

I shove my head back hitting whoever is behind me, both Soap and I move, trying to take back control of the room.

I feel a needle in my back and I slowly start to go numb, my body becomes too heavy and I drop to the ground. Hearing Soap hit the ground next to me.

"Shouldn't of done that, like I said we don't have the time." His voice makes me fill with so much rage.

I feel myself being dragged across the floor and propped up against the wall, Soap next to me. Sanchez moves into my view, kneeling down and cutting my hands free. I try to move them to his throat but i can't, i can't move my body at all. FUCK.

He grins all too happily and then kicks me in the chest, it hurts but i can't do shit about it. He laughs as some one next to him does the same things to Soap and he walks back to El. Fuck. This is that drug El told us about, we'll be like this for hours. I can't help her, i can't save her if i can't fucking move. SHIT.

The 141s Reaper (Simon Ghost Riley Romance)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora