Chapter 22 - The Move

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(songs for this chapter -
Roman Holiday - HASLEY
Nicotine - SYCCO
Better Love - HOZIER)


I've been helping Megs all day, she needs everything packed in a specific way and she didn't want anything messed up by the men. To be honest I think the boys were relieved they didn't have to help her, but I'm happy to. She has music on for us, she put everything on her laptop so we can still listen, I love her. We're only taking what she really needs,  just her computers, a few other gadgets and some back up servers and encryption drives.

"So what is going on with you and Soap?" I ask her as we are boxing up some of her things. They have been flirting for days, masked under the 'helping Ghost and Reaper' banner but I can see what's going on. She's way more happy and outspoken and he's bolder, joking more than usual. She looks at me over her glasses, giving me the I need to stop talking look.

"Oh so you two are allowed to ask about Ghost and me but I can't do the same to you?" I sass back at her.

"Exactly, I'm glad we're on the same page." Dismissing my question.

"I could talk to him, see what he thinks of you?" I'm sure that will get her interest. She walks over to me and pulls me down in between some of the boxes. No one is in here but alright.

"You could do that?" She whispers, nervously. She's so nice to everyone, bosses them around sometimes. But the second there might be more than that she's dying of embarrassment.

"Of course." I smile at her. "You could ask him yourself you know?"

"Oh heavens no, I'd be so embarrassed and what if he says something just to be polite or it makes things awkward?"

"Well I will ask him when i get a chance."

"What if he thinks I asked you to ask him?" She says worried.

"Soap talks to his food when he's hungry, I don't think his brain functions on that kind of level." She laughs at this, it's true I've seen him talk to a packet of chips and a pastry on separate occasions.

"If you think he really won't realize?" She asks again. I mean he will know Soap is smart, he's just foolish at the same time. But i know he's attentive of her so this might encourage him.

"He won't notice." I lie. She gets all excited and does this little giggle jump dance thing. Show that to Soap and i won't have to do a thing. I have the prefect song to play for her, she is not use to being an idiot but unfortunately for her i am.

"This ones for him." I say winking at her as I change songs and turn up the volume. She's waiting so see what song comes on, she doesn't know them all like i do.

I start to sing along with the words, looking a little crazy as I dance my way over to her, she is a little embarrassed but i spin her around like shes my dancing partner. It makes her smile and she kind of joins in, getting bolder as the song goes on.

Reds and rest of Zeta always do things like this. Making people have fun or be happy, it's a tough job and we see the worst parts of it. It's good to relax sometimes. We are dancing around the boxes in the middle of the room making silly in love faces while touching our hearts and heads. She's smiling and singing along too now.

I hear a throat being cleared by the door and Megs gasps hiding behind the boxes. If it can happen it will happen, Soap and Ghost are in the door away. I dance over towards them, still singing, I gotcha Megs. Soap is smiling, trying not to laugh and Ghost is shaking his head at me but I can tell he's smiling as well. I just close the door on them, winking at Ghost as i do.

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