Chapter 38 - Safe

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(Songs for this chapter -
I'd Run to You - CJ STARNES
Ruin My Life - ZARA LARSSON)


I'm not exactly awake yet but I can hear Sam and Soap quietly talking. I can feel Simon's hands haven't moved from my back, he must still be asleep. I slowly open my eyes, all I can see is Simon's collar, my head still safely under his jaw. I gently move one of my hands out from his chest and hold it up over his body.

"Johnny." I whisper it so quietly that he might not of even heard me, I'm counting on them seeing my hand above Simon. But after a few seconds I feel his hand grab mine, and he stands at an angle so I can see his face.

"Thank you."

He winks with a smile down at me, he looks so relieved. I know he worries about me too, he's always been such a sweetie. Sam comes into my vision next to him mouthing the words 'you okay?' I squeeze Johnny's hand and smile at her, slowly winking as a yes, too scared to nod my head in case I wake Simon up.

They both stay for a few more minutes, Sam takes my hand from Johnny, checking my pulse and the rope wounds on my wrist. I squeeze her hand too whispering.
"I'm sorry."
She shakes her head down at me I know she doesn't care but I still feel guilty. She puts some pills and water next to the bed before they both leave.

I can hear Simon's heartbeat, it's slow and calm. His breathing is the same, he mustn't of slept well if at all while I was away, I know I didn't. We are so similar like that, I feel so much more myself, at peace when he is with me. And I know he feels the same, I see it on his face. The pain in his eyes subsides whenever I look at him. I think I've had that effect on him from the start.

"You awake?" his low husky voice speaks into my hair.
"I am." I softly speak as I move my hand up in line with my face, curling my fingers under the collar of his shirt.
"Hmmm." He growls deeply before he takes a long breath in, tighten his hands on my back.
"You drive me crazy." He adds, his voice being deeper than normal makes my whole body shiver and I move closer to him.
"I missed you so much Simon." I tilt my face up and kiss his neck. He breaths in again faster this time, his arms move a little too much and come into contact with my ribs.
He removes his arm from me instantly.
"I'm sorry you okay?" He adjusts his body and looks intensely down into my eyes.
"I'm okay, don't worry you didn't hurt me." His eyes still staring, he's so worried about me.
"They are just a little tender, I'm fine."

"I should shower, I must smell really terrible." I change the subject trying to stop him from worrying.
"I brought you some stuff to wear from our room." He says it so casually and sweet.
"Our room?" I smile back up at him.
"If you think I'm sleeping anywhere other than wrapped around you ever again, I will have to knock some sense into you." He says brushing my hair from my forehead then kissing it.

He carefully removes himself from around me, I watch him get some clothes and move to the attached bathroom. The same one he carried me into the night he jumped me by the fence. I start smiling just thinking about it.

I slowly sit up, holding my very sore ribs as I do. I don't feel as bad as I was expecting too. I try to reach over and get the meds Sam left me. Simon is already back by my side getting them and the water for me. "Thank you."

"Come on beautiful I'll help you get in there." He mutters once I've taken them.
"Will you come in with me?" I ask him, my eyes looking over to his with an intense gaze of sincerity.
"If you want me to." I nod and smile at him as he picks me up walking us towards the bathroom. His stare not leaving mine. Not even to turn on the shower or close the door locking us in.

The 141s Reaper (Simon Ghost Riley Romance)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu