Chapter 26 - Kal

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I couldn't wait to share this chapter so it's up early ❤️❤️❤️

(Songs for this chapter
I Want More (Live at Skalholt) - KALEO
Something in the Orange - ZACH BRYAN)


El has been all over the base most of the day, setting her plans in motion. The only thing she asked is that I bring Reds to the mess hall, easy enough. We are walking there now.

"So what do you think of the team?" The tone of his voice suggests he's expecting a not so pleasant answer.

"You're all fucking crazy. But Reaper likes them and i can't exactly argue with her, so i guess they're alright"

He laughs. "It's an argument you won't win, I have been trying for years."

As we get closer i can hear her playing the guitar. Reds stops dead in his tracks. He looks at me stunned, his breathing increasing. He races to the mess hall door, swinging it open.

El is sitting on a table at the back, playing the start of a song, she doesn't start singing until she sees Reds and I enter. She can play fairly well, but sings even better. Everyone is in here, even Megs, of course she had to be for this apparent plan to work.

Fucking hell she is so beautiful, i could watch her forever. All of Zeta are staring at her, all emotional. Now that she has told me, Sam's reaction makes a lot more sense. I can see it in their faces, they are all feeling how Sam looked last night.

Except Reds, he looks more distraught than anyone else. He has taken a few steps in but hasn't moved otherwise. Reaper has been watching him more closely than anyone else while she plays.

She winks over at Soap, must be his cue. He stands up and goes over to Megs, holding out his hand as he says something. I'm fairly certain he just asked her to dance. He looks nervous, welcome to the club buddy. Megs takes his hand and they start dancing.

Soap you sly potato. But El is the real mastermind at work here. Sam and MacGyver join in dancing and the faces of her team start to change into happier ones.

All except Reds. He had taken a few more steps closer to her but is still very upset. Whatever the reason it is very painful to watch, i almost want to hug them both. El has a few tears coming down her face as he gets closer even though she sounds happy. Seeing him like this must be so hard for her.

Soap and Megs are looking happy though, he's smiling and she's blushing like El use to do so i'll take that as a good sign. I will update El about it later, i know she will ask me because she was distracted by Reds.

The song suits her, despite all the odds stacked against her and no matter how much evil she faces, she has a voice telling her she can make it out and keep on going. Sounds perfectly like El to me.

When she finishes the song Reds hugs her very tightly straight away. I see Sam gesture for me to come and sit down with her closer to El and everyone else. 

Reds lets go of her finally and asks her something but i'm too far away to hear. As everyone else sits down, he sits on the table next to her and she angles herself so he can see her better. I silently come and sit down next to Sam as El starts playing again.

She is looking at me, waiting for my okay before she sings. Reds looks over at me too. I nod back at her, she doesn't need to ask but she always checks with me before she does anything. Like i'm ever going to say no to her. Reds gives me a broken smile in return.

The 141s Reaper (Simon Ghost Riley Romance)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat