Chapter 27 - Swap

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(Songs for this chapter,
The Night - HONNE,


"I don't know about this Reaper." Megs says. My god I want to slap her.

"Don't say that, he likes you." I whisper to her, we are in the hall of the bunk room wing.

"Yes but spending the whole the night in his room." She says back.

"He wouldn't do anything that makes you uncomfortable." I assure her, he is a gentleman.

"No i wasn't worried about that, i'm worried no one else will get any sleep." She sasses back at me.

"Oh my god Megs you little minx." I say to her a little shocked. She's in an over sized t-shirt dress with pajama shorts, fluffy slippers on and I braided her hair to help with the frizz. Topped off with her signature large glasses. Not exactly the look i thought would go with that kind of attitude.

"Well have you seen him!?" she whispers.

"Yes he's very cute." I comment, agreeing with her but rolling my eyes.

She has a massive smile on her face, i had no idea she was like this. We definitely have some things to discuss tomorrow. I knock on the door, Megs rests on the door frame.

"Yeah?" i hear Soap say from inside.

I open the door a little, "Are you decent?" i comment from outside the room.

"Na I'm naked and just said yeah for the fun of it." he cheeks back at me.

I pop my head in the gap of the door.

"Ghost isn't here." He says looking up from a book.

"I know, i have a small kind of inconvenient favor to ask." I make it sound like it's a bad thing.

He rolls his eyes and rests his book on his chest. "What is it?" he sighs.

"I need to swap with you for tonight." I am trying my hardest to keep my smile in.

"Swap what?" he asks me.

I push Megs in the door, she has a cute smile on her face as she waves at him. He sits up so fast his book goes flying onto the floor. Ha you're so welcome Soap.

"Thanks Johnny you're the best."  I say as i close the door quickly. Reversing away from the room, doing my happy dance. I did it.

"So Johnny is cute huh." Simon says into my ear.

"Fuck!" I whisper. "Simon you scared the shit out of me." I try and slap his shoulder but he catches my hand. He picks me up and throws me on his shoulder. I just let him, enjoying the view i have from back here. I stick my hands up the back of his shirt and he slaps my ass before opening the door to my room. He closes us in and locks it, moving over to turn the lamp on before he throws me onto my bed.

He takes off his mask, boots, pants and shirt but throws it over to me. Everything is off but his boxer briefs. He is so sexy, i would do anything he wants if he asked. I take my sweatpants off faster than I have ever done before. He smirks at me as he crawls into my bed and lays face down into my pillow, so I can change into his shirt. I know I should show him, I want to just not tonight. He's never pushed the subject so I know he won't now.

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