Chapter 68 - Healing

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(Songs for this chapter -
Bold As Love - JOHN MAYER
I Will Be Found - JOHN MAYER


"El, where's Ghost?" Sam says racing to my side as I enter her office.

"He's still asleep. I wish you'd all stop fussing I'm fine look." I lift up my crutches and limp forward a few steps on my cast.

"Woman! You test my sanity everyday."

"Can I get rid of the crutches please they are getting so annoying." I plea with her.

"Your leg is not what I'm worried about I can strap a moon boot to it no problem. How is your hip after, yesterday?" She asks me with a certain tone of voice.

"Oh my god we are not talking about that." I roll my eyes and shuffle further into her office.

"Yes we are, I just need to know if your hip is alright." She chuckles gesturing to the bed.

I huff and move over to the bed.
"There is no shame in being in love my dear."
She says as I twist myself onto the bed.

"I know, my hip is fine he was very careful with me." I can feel my face turning red. He was careful I was reckless, when I surrender control to him I can't help it, he becomes my addiction and I have to have every bit of him.

"Well good, so no pain?" She say moving my hip joint slightly.


"And you had a nice time?" She smirks down at me.


What?" She chuckles.

I just cover my red face with my hands.

"He more than loves you, i can't explain it this bond that you two have. He always comes to me asking about you, wanting to know what you need, how he can help you, injuries you've had. He listens to every word I say about you."

"Really? He does?" Simon you're such a sweetie.

"Yes, I even let him read my journal from Olympia when you were undercover."

"What! How come he's gets to read it and I don't!?" She's never let any of us read it, well except MacGyver I'm assuming he has.

"Because you lived it and don't need a reminder, he was owed a lot of explanations that we all didn't give him. That was my way of helping him understand."

"Thank you Sam, I know that can't of been easy for you." She pulls my knee up into the air as I say it, kinking my leg on the bed. Pushing my heel back until it hits me in the but. It feels fine that didn't hurt at all.

"Ghost doesn't judge, which was a relief. I could see why he got into your heart so quickly."
She smiles at me.
"Any of that hurt?"

"Not at all just feels a little stiff."

"And you listen to him, more than even me. When you are so far gone I don't think we'll be able to reach you, he still can. That's why I'm not worried that you are leaving with him. Although I will miss you I know you'll be safe in his charge."

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