Chapter 42 - Gifts and News

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(Songs for this chapter -
I'm With You {single edit} - VANCE JOY)


"Hey handsome." El smiles at me the second I walk in the door. Fuck it's an instant relief, my whole body feels lighter.

"Hey sweetheart, are your legs alright?"

I sit down next to her laying on the bed, she's now in only my hoodie, so sexy without even meaning to be.

"They're okay I was in a bit of pain so Sam gave me some pills and other stuff. I don't ask I just do what she says." She laughs.

"And Soap?" I ask.

"He's a bit of a mess. You weren't too hard on him? He was having heart palpitations."

"No, I was alright with him." Better than I should of been but less than he deserves.

"He was only worried about you and how you were going to react, I told him you already knew."

"If it was anyone else their body would be unrecognizable." She giggles at how serious I am.

I pick up her hand press it to my chest.
"But I have to let him off the hook." I can never be angry at Johnny, even over something like this.

She smiles her heart felt, my eyes only smile.
"I love you."
Her hand moves up my chest to my neck, she's waiting for my permission.

"Go on." I say to her lightly.

She takes off my mask and pulls me down to kiss her.

"You don't have to ask." She can do whatever she wants with me.

"I know, but I will anyway." She always thinks about my feelings before her own.

I move my hand to the zipper of my hoodie she's wearing, slowly pulling it down.
She gives me a seductive look, not stopping me. No matter how much of her I get my thirst is never satisfied. I unzip it all the way, her chest and cute grey underwear now on display.

I put my hand on the part of her body that's on display, sliding it up her chest. The marks I've put on her make me feel so powerful. I want to cover her in them.

I want her to be marked by me forever, I want to look at her and always see proof that she's mine. I move to her neck going to mark her again.

"Simon don't." She pushes me off. "Everyone will see it, Sam and Johnny already saw this one."
She moves her head so I can see the one on the opposite side of her neck.

"So? Let them see, everyone already knows about us."

"Yes but I'd rather they don't know about our sex life."

The thought of fucking her in public comes into my mind, everyone's eyes on her but her eyes on me.
"Simon!" She yells at me "I can see what you're thinking about." She hits my arm giggling.

"It was just a thought." I smirk at her. Going back to her neck.

"Simon I didn't agree.." As she talks I put my hand inside the hoodie and play with her breast.
"..hmm alright I give in."
She can't say no to me, and if she does I change her mind.

The 141s Reaper (Simon Ghost Riley Romance)Where stories live. Discover now