In My Room

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I go into my room. I start texting him.


                                                                       Hey I had a really great time walking and talking with you!

I sent.

I wait and wait and waited some more before he answered with.


   I did too. Btw I forgot to ask are you single?

I read it, shocked on what he asked me. I replied back with the truth.


                                                                                                                                 Yes, I am. Why do you ask?

I mean who would wanna date an les? I don't know but it took him a second to answer my text.


   No reason..

Hm, weird, I didn't know what to say, so I just said.


                                                                                                                                                Okay I guess

I was so confused but I just let it slide. Why would he ask? I wanted to know but I didn't say anything though.

"Can someone help me please?" I hear my grandfather scream. "I'll help you!" I say after I get up. I walked out of my room and shut the door behind me.

I get to where my grandfather was in the living room, and saw him. I ran. Didn't even breath. I just. Ran.

Why, why, why, why, WHY?! Is he here? I kept saying my head. He did so many horrible things to me! Why is he back...he went to jail for a fucking reason!

I get back to my room and shut and locked it. I sit on my bed about to cry when I get a text.


Hey, what do you say about hanging out tmr?

I didn't know what to say but.


                                                                          Um, let me see what I'm doing and yeah, I'll let you know.

Aaron didn't answer when I replied to his text. After awhile he finely replied.


  Sorry, had to do something for my aunt and okay sure

I completely understand WHT he mean about doing something for somebody. So I replied with.


                               Relatable haha. Also not doing anything tomorrow, what'd you have in mind?


   Well I hadn't thought of anything, I was hoping you had something in mind


Aaron                                                                                     Neither do I if I'm going to be honest with you.

   Oh okay, if you do have something in mind shout out to me you know?

I just told him 'Yeah, I will.' I don't talk much in general but I won't to talk all the time with him.

What is wrong with me?

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