Chapter 7

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~*~ Donald's POV ~*~

I woke up to the sound of someone mumbling something incoherent. I opened my eyes and looked down to find the most beautiful girl in the world in my arms. I smiled and kissed her forehead. She shook her head and nuzzled her face further into my chest before mumbling once more. I laid there and watched her sleep for almost half an hour when my phone rang, waking her up.


"It was just my phone, go back to sleep, Love."



"Donald, you need to get to the Treble house as soon as possible. Something bad happened."

"What do you mean, Jesse?"

"Just get to the Treble house, now."

"Alright, give me a minute."


That was weird. I thought. I really didn't want to wake my baby girl, but from the tone of Jesse's voice, I had too. I gently shook her shoulders to try and wake her, but she rolled off the couch trying to get away from me.

"Holy fucking shit!" She yelled, "What was that for?!"

"One, you rolled off the couch yourself; Two, I need to get to the Treble house. Sorry I have to go, but Jesse needs me to be there as soon as possible." I told her, fixing my clothes so they were somewhat neat.

"I'll go with you you."


"Why not?"

"I don't know what's going on and I don't want you to get hurt or see something you really don't want to see."

"I don't care what you say I'm going with you whether you like it or not."


I helped her off the floor and we both headed for the door. I locked my dorm room door and ran to catch up with Alex who was already at the elevator. We entered the deserted compartment and Alex pressed the button for the lobby. I started to tap my foot impatiently against the carpeted flooring of the elevator. Alex grabbed my hand and gently rubbed her thumb against my knuckles in an attempt to calm my nerves.

The elevator dinged and I pulled Alex along behind me as I rushed to get to the Treble house. I quickly ran into the house as soon as we got to the house. I ran into the living room and saw the boys surrounding someone. They were all yelling and screaming at whoever was within the circle.

"Would you all shut up for a minute?! You're giving me a fucking migraine!" Alex yelled, rubbing her temples in the process causing the yelling to stop and the boys to side-step.

"Bumper?" I questioned.

"Yeah, that's right; I'm back." He smirked.

"I thought you were singing back-up for someone in California?"

"Yeah, but that got boring so I decided to come back and be a Treble again."

"What makes you think you're still welcome after ditching us right before the ICCA's?!" Greg yelled.

"Yeah, and what makes you think that we have room for you still?! We replaced you after you left, and I don't think we want you to come back and ditch us again!" Hat cried out, making the boys cry out in agreement.

"Bumper, I don't think the boys want you here after what you did last year." I spoke up once everyone became quiet.

"But I brought you fame and wins while I was with you guys!" He yelled back at us.

"No, you didn't. You brought us down. You were a douche to us. You made the Trebles into a fiasco and we are better off without you now." I said.

"You know what, fine! I don't need you guys anyway!" He shouted as he stormed out of the house.

"Serves him right for ditching us." Unicycle scoffed while I sighed and walked up the stairs and into my room.

~*~ Alex's POV ~*~

I followed Donald upstairs and quietly opened the door to his room, walking inside. The scene that was before me when I entered the room was saddening. Donald sat on his bed with his head in his hands and his elbows sitting on his knees. I walked over to him and sat down on the bed next to his left.

"It'll be ok, Donald, don't worry." I whispered, rubbing his back.

"He was my best friend. We clicked as soon as we met our freshman year." He chuckled sadly, "I guess there wasn't ment to be a friendship between Bumper and I."

"Shh, don't talk like that. He was being a douche, he doesn't deserve someone as kind and loyal as you." I hugged him tightly.

"I guess you're right." He mumbled and laid down on the bed, opening his arms to me, "Cuddles?"


I know it's short, but I wanted to give you guys something since I haven't updated in a long time. I'm sorry, please don't kill me. Don't forget to vote and comment, any feedback is appreciated. Luv ya.
~ Mimikins

Loving an Aca-Boy ~ Donald WalshWhere stories live. Discover now