Chapter 9

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*~* Alex's POV *~*

I blushed deeply when Donald connected our hands. Looking at our intertwined fingers, I somehow managed to follow Donald to a black Prius. He opened the passenger door for me. I totally zoned out once I got in the car, it smelled like him. I really hope that doesn't sound weird. I was neat too, almost like he only used it for special occasions. Now that I think about he, anywhere I had gone with him, we either walked or rode on the Treble tour bus.

I was torn from my thoughts when Hash Pipe by Weezer came on the radio. Donald and I were jamming out and let me tell you, no one was going to stop us. We laughed at our stupidity when the song was over, but our sanity didn't last long either when Down by Jay Sean started to play. A blast from the past and lots of laughter later, we pulled up at a small diner.

"Donald." I warned as I exited the care. Donald smiled at me and took my hand in his once more. "Why am I over-dressed for this?"

"Don't worry, I promise you're not over dressed." He reassured me, giving my hand a gentle squeeze.

"I swear, if I'm under-dressed for some deranged reason-" I started, but Donald cut me off with kiss. It was soft and sweet, but it did the trick. He placed his hands on my waist and pulled me into his chest, to which I responded with wrapping my arms around his neck. I couldn't contain my smile as it spread across my face. It was, in all cliche, magical. 

"Look you perfect, now come on." He pulled my towards the diner, opening the door for me like a true gentleman. I smiled greatly at him and took his hand in my own. When I turned to the dining area and saw a beautiful candle lit table. A single red rose was placed in a small blue vase. It was stunning. I couldn't believe what he had done. "Do you like it? I know the owner of the diner, so it wasn't too hard to set up, but I didn't know if you did the casual normal date. I took a wild guess at what  you would want to eat on a date."

"It's beautiful. I love it." I stood on my tip toes and pecked his lips. I pulled away and walked to the table centered in the dining area. Donald pulled my chair out for me and sat down across from me, the crisp white table cloth wrinkling slightly. He placed his hand over mine as a man came out of the kitchen holding a tray above his head. The food smelled delicious as he stood in front of us. He removed the rose from the table a placed a single, large plate of spaghetti and meatballs in the middle of the table. I giggled silently when the man left, such a Lady and the Tramp move.

"I hope it isn't too cinematic for you." He blushed and looked down. I gave his hand a small squeeze and shook my head. Picking up my fork, I took a bite. I moaned at how amazing it tasted. I never knew anything could be that perfect: the boy, the date, the food, everything. I keep wondering to this day how I got so lucky.

After finishing up our main course, the same waiter from before took our plate and came back with a dish of strawberry shortcake. We left the diner after eating our dessert, Donald drove us back to the dorms. While getting out of the car, though, he decided to pick me up and throw me over his shoulder so he could 'run up the stairs faster'. He threw me onto his bed, and laid on top of me. I tried to push him off of me. "Donald! You're crushing me! Get off!"

"Sorry, Love, no can do." He chuckled, "I'm quite comfortable here. In fact, I'm so comfortable, I just might fall asleep."

"Donald! Get off!" I shouted. There was no way I was going to be able to get him off me, so I decided to fake my own death. "Can'"

"I know you're still alive." He said, sitting up beside me. He picked up my arm and I let it drop back down to the bed limply. He started to poke my face, but I managed to keep my smile at bay. 

"Might need mouth to mouth." I heard Beca say from the doorway. "She could have brain damage if you don't do it. Go on already!"

He pressed his lips to mine, and I quickly responded, kissing back. I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him closer to me. We broke away from each other when we heard someone start clapping. "Wow, Donald, I thought you had more fight left in you, I guess not." Jesse laughed.

"Come on, Jesse, let's leave these two lovebirds to themselves. By the way, I want my twenty bucks." Beca chuckled as they left Donald's dorm room, probably going to Beca and I's. Oh well, now I don't have to worry about any more interruptions from those two anymore. I kissed Donald deeply, and whispered in his ear. "I love you, Donald Duck."

Loving an Aca-Boy ~ Donald WalshWhere stories live. Discover now