Chapter 8

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It felt amazing being in his arms, my back flush against his chest. It kept the memories from resurfacing and keeping me awake, even after all this time I still haven't gotten over their deaths. Being with Donald though, it was like nothing else in the world mattered anymore. He brought comfort and protection, two things I hadn't felt in an exceedingly long time. With him, I felt safe. Nothing could touch me if he had his arms wrapped around me. I took the time in his arms to take a look around his room. 

There were multiple posters for bands I had never heard of before. The pale white walls contrasted greatly with the royal blue carpeting. Sheet music and magazines littered the floor. Two bean-bags were side by side, one black and the other blue. They looked like they had just been bought. Papers and open textbooks were scattered on his desk, the lamp positioned at an awkward angle. I could tell that he spends a lot of time studying in his room. 

I closed my eyes and listened to the slow, steady beat of his heart. His breathing reduced in speed, the rising and falling of his chest doing the same. The constant helping to drift into a deep sleep. His grip loosening ever so slightly over time. 

Screams. That's all I heard. Black clouded my vision. I couldn't see anything. Who's screaming? What's happening? Mom? Susan? Trevor? Greg? Bright light blinded me when I opened my eyes. I groaned in pain. My back felt like it was on fire. I tried to turn my head, but it was too painful. I managed to open my eyes all the way. Three men were standing above me. I was lifted onto something hard. Plastic. I was suddenly lifted into the air, groaning when I came to a hard stop. The sunlight was replaced by bright lights on a steel looking ceiling. Darkness over came me once more. The shouting commenced. 

I opened my eyes and saw my dad sitting in a chair next to me. He had been crying. His face was blotchy, and his eyes were blood-shot. He sniffled. I coughed loudly, my throat dry and sore. His head shot up. He hopped out of his chair and hugged me tightly. Then he whispered those two words that ruined my life. 

"They're dead."

~*~Donald's POV~*~

I awoke to something shaking in my arms. Looking down, I saw Alex whimpering and squirming in my arms. I shook her awake. She had tears streaming down her face. I quickly wiped the away, trying to calm her down as best I could. She clung to me. I wrapped my arms around her small, vulnerable frame. I ran my fingers threw her hair and rubbed her back, just like my mom used to do to me when I was upset. 

"Shh, shh, shh. What's wrong, baby girl?" I asked her, pulling away and wiping her tears away once more. 

"They're dead." She cried out, "They're dead, and they're never coming back." 

"Shh, I'm here. I have you now." I held her until she calmed down.  

"It's all my fault, Donald. I was the one who forced my mom to take me to that stupid competition. I didn't even have to go. I just wanted to be better. It's all my fault. They died because of me." She started to cry again. I held her close and whispered sweet nothings to her. It wasn't her fault. None of this was her fault. It's just survivor's guilt, that's all. I stayed up with her until she fell asleep at around three in the morning. She shouldn't have to suffer like this. I laid awake for about another hour, to ensure she didn't have another nightmare, before drifting off into a dreamless sleep. 

The next morning, Alex apologised profusely about waking me up. I wasn't going to hear it though. We were going to have a nice, relaxing day, and we were going to forget all about the previous night and her nightmare. I knew they wouldn't stop, they probably never will, but I could at least get her mind off of them for a little while. I took her back to her room so she could change. "Wear something casually-formal." 

"Donald, I swear to god, if I overdress for whatever you have planned, I am going to kick your sorry excuse for an ass to the curb. Do you hear me?" Alex yelled at me as she ran around her room trying to collect enough clothing to complete an outfit within my request. She was acting like a chicken with her head cut off, while I stood against the wall next to the door. I had on a simple pair of light wash skinny jeans, a white v-neck, black converse, and a black blazer. 

Alex ran into the bathroom after finally getting her clothing together. I took this time to look around the dorm room she shared with Beca. While Beca had music, movies, and books covering her bookshelf, Alex only had a few books and her laptop cases. Her bed was neat, and her desk organised. I wondered if it was all just a facade to hide what was really going on inside of her. I was taken from my thoughts when Alex exited the bathroom. 

Her hair was in a braided bun. Her makeup was light and accenting, not too overpowering. She wore dark blue skinny jeans, a black t-shirt, and a royal blue jacket with black airwalks. I smiled and grabbed her hand, intertwining our fingers. "Ready to go?" I asked looking into her beautiful eyes, getting lost for a fraction of a second before catching myself. She nodded and we were on our way.

Please don't kill me. I know, it's short. I know, it's been a while. I'm sorry. Please forgive me. I'm trying. Luv ya <3 ~Mimikins

Loving an Aca-Boy ~ Donald WalshDär berättelser lever. Upptäck nu