Chapter 11

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We all rode in as few taxis as we could to get to the airport, trying to avoid paying to keep cars in the parking garage. The Trebles and the Bellas somehow managed to get everyone to the airport in less than six cars. Something I would personally like to try to avoid on the drive home. 

After all of us made it through airport security, we met up at the terminal from where our flight would be leaving. We chatted for quite a while before we were called to board our plane. I made Donald hold my hand as we boarded, not wanting to confess my fear of flying. 

He didn't question me as we made our way to first class. I sat down next to Donald and behind Beca and Jesse. I squeezed his hand, trying to make myself feel better, but not succeeding. 

Donald gave me a look of concern as I gripped the armrest so tightly my knuckles turned white. My fears were just going to get worse the closer we got to taking off. "Are you okay?" He asked, "You look absolutely terrified right now, Love." 

"I'm fine. Just peachy. It's nothing to concern yourself with." I replied with a forced smile. This flight was going to be the death of me, quite literally if things go wrong.  I didn't want Donald to worry about me even though I was scared shitless. He gave me another concerned look. "Really, it's nothing. No need to be so worried about little ol' me." 

Instead of dropping the topic, like I wished he had, he decided to make a bigger deal out of the situation. "What's wrong, baby girl, tell me. There's something bothering you, and you're not telling me. Of course, I'm going to start worrying about you." 

"I-I'm afraid of flying." I whispered, turning my head away from him to conceal the blush that dusted over my face. He placed two fingers under my chin and turned my head to face him. He placed a chaste kiss on my lips. 

"There's no need to be ashamed of being afraid to fly. If you get scared I'm here for you. You can even sit on my lap while we fly if it gets too scary, alright?" He promised. I nodded, smiling, as he sealed our little deal with a kiss. 

"Ladies and gentlemen, please fasten your seatbelts for takeoff, thank you." The flight attendant announced over the intercom. My shaking hands tried and failed to fasten the stupid safety belt myself, but Donald thankfully clicked the two pieces of metal together, strapping me to the plush seat beneath me. They try to make flying as comfortable as possible, but there's nothing that can ease my fear. 

Donald smiled at me and held my hand throughout the entire take off. I had my eyes shut for most of the time, opening them when the woman came over the speakers telling us that we could remove our seat belts. 

I stood shakily with Donald and stretched. He sat down first and pulled me into his lap. I clung to his shirt and curled my legs up into his lap. He wrapped his arms around my waist and whispered sweet nothings in my ear. He helped calm me down, stopping my body from shaking. 

I heard the flight attendant walk by and say something to Donald, but multiple voices interrupted her. She stormed away in a huff and I could hear the laughter around me. I looked up and saw everyone drinking or snacking. I looked up at Donald and he smiled at me. 

"What happened?" I asked him. He shook his head and chuckled, kissing my forehead. I was puzzled as to what he was laughing at. "What's so funny? Come on, tell me." 

"We all just told the sturtess off for telling me you couldn't sit in my lap." He laughed. 

"You didn't." I gasped. He nodded and laughed heartily. I shook my head and nuzzled my face against his shirt to muffle my laughter the best I could. I couldn't believe that they had  told off a worker,they were going to get us all thrown off this plane. Can they do that? 

The rest of the flight was spent trying to calm my nerves and keeping my mind off the terrifying, flying contraption. Landing was the thing that scared me the most. The sudden jerking of the plane as it hit the runway absolutely horrified me beyond comprehension. 

I ran out of the plane as soon as I could after we landed. I waited for everyone to get off, joyful that I didn't have to get back on that thing for almost a month. Donald took my hand in his own when he got off. We all made our way to the baggage claim. 

We were able to take tram to our hotel, our group alone taking up a cart and a half. Once at the hotel, we found out that Beca's father and my father only booked single queen suite rooms. I immediately called Donald as my roommate, much to Greg's dismay. 

The group decided to meet up back in the lobby three hours later, giving us enough time to get settled in and have a quick nap. Donald and I were put in room number 864. As soon as Donald opened the door, I face planted into the fluffy bed. I needed a nap after that flight. 

Yay! Another update! Let's see if we can double our goal this time and get 4 votes on this chapter. Luv ya. ~ Mimikins

Loving an Aca-Boy ~ Donald WalshWhere stories live. Discover now