Chapter 6

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"What!?" I yelled, sitting up.

"Come on! We have to go!" She shouted.

"But why?" I whined, dragging myself out of bed.

"Because we all voted on having one while you and Donald got 'lost'"

"Fine. Let's go, and we did get lost."

"Whatever you say."

~*~After Bella's Rehearsal~*~

"I'm so tired right now." Bella groaned as we walked into the cafeteria.

"Absolutely." Fat Amy agreed.

The three of us grabbed food trays and piled on food. We found a table near the back off the cafeteria so we could watch the slightly heated argument between the Trebles going on only a few tables down. Fat Amy and Becca were listening intently while I played with the food on my tray.

"Why aren't you eating?" Fat Amy asked, I shruged in response.

"Is it because of Greg and Donald?" Becca inquired causing another shrug.

"Oh lighten up, they'll get over it."

"Yeah, Amy's right, they'll sort it out soon enough."

"I guess so, but last time I saw Greg like this, he beat the shit out of the kid everytime he saw him. You never know, this could just blow over."

We finished our food and headed to the dorms. As we left though, the Trebles followed us. I kept my head down, not sure if the others knew they were following us. Once we were back at the room Becca and I shared, the Trebles surrounded us. Everyone was there except Greg and Donald.

"She comes with us." Unicycle growled, pointing at me.

"No." Becca replied flatly.

"Fine, then you all come with us." Jesse smirked.

The Trebles continued to surround us and practicly caralled us to their house. As we got closer to the house, I could hear my brother and Donald screaming at each other. I cringed, as did the others, as the sound of broken glass sounded from the house. I quickly broke through the "baracade" of people and ran for the house. The others shouted for me, but I continued to run. I slammed the front door open and was met the a trashed house surrounding two people, Donald and Greg.

"How dare you try and use her!"

"I wasn't going to use her! How the fuck do you know what I'm going to do or not?"

"You're a fucking man-whore! Of course you're going to use her for her body!"

"No I'm not!"

"Yeah, cause sleeping with her and then leaving her isn't fucking using her!"

"I wasn't going to leave her! God, your such a stereotypical asshole!"

"Stop! Just stop!" I screamed out, tears running down my face, "Why can't you two just get along?"

"Baby girl, I-"

"Don't you dare talk to her you piece of shit!"

"I'm the piece of shit? Have you looked at how you treat her? You haven't gone to fucking see her since you got here! You haven't tried to talk to her since you've been at college!"

"And your such a perfect angle, too! Too kind to be-"

"Shut up! Both of you need to calm down! Why can't you see that I love you both, huh? Why don't either of you take concideration about how this affects me? Why is it always about the two of you? Can't either of you get over your own feeling to see that this is taking a toll on me, too? Or are you two too caught up in your own little worlds to see how this is affecting everyone around you? The Trebles haven't had a practice in who knows how long because you two can't get your fucking shit together and stop acting like a bunch of fucking pansies! All this bull shit needs to come to an end! Greg, if I want to date someone, then I fucking will and I'll deal with the consiquences. Donald, if I want to talk to my brother while he's at college I will, and if I don't then I fucking won't! What I do has nothing to do with you two! You will not control my life, and you have no power over what I do and say! Is that fucking clear?" I yell, letting all of my frustration out.

"Yes." They both said reluctantly.

"I didn't know she was that angry about it." Jesse whispered.

"That's not anger, that's all the emotions she's kept bottled up her whole life." Becca whispered back.

I turned around and silently walked out of the house. I could hear people walk out of the house, but I continued to make my way down the street. It wasn't until I was abruptly pulled into a hug, that I finally broke down in tears.

"Shh, it'll be ok. Don't cry Alex, please."

"I miss them so much, Greg."

"I know, I miss them, too."

"Why can't anything go right for me?"

"Everything happens for a reason. It's how you see it that makes your future."

"I'm sorry for not calling you while you were at college."

"It's ok, you didn't mean for it to be so hard after their death." As Greg said this, I noticed Donald standing behing him.

"I love you, Greg, but a bird's got to leave the nest sometime in her life."

"Go get him."

"Hey-" Donald started, but I cut him off with a bone-crushing hug.

"Don't leave."

"I never did."

I looked into his eyes and his flickered to my lips. I leaned forward slightly and he connected our lips. I could tell he had kissed lots of girls before, unlike me. He led the kiss, guiding me through it.


"Oh, buzz off." Donald laughed, "Can't you tell she's left the nest."

"Yeah, I can, but I'm still here."

"Oh, lighten up, she's in good hands."

"Why can't I believe that?"

"I'm tried." I yawned, placing my head on Donald's chest.

"I swear if anything happens to her-"

"Good-night, Greg!"

"See you tomorrow, Greg."

Donald and I walked down the street and back to the dorms. Once we got to the elevators, Donald picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. I laughed as he ran down the hall and to his room. Once inside, he set me down on the couch and began to tickle me.

"S-Stop! C-Can't b-breath! G-Gonna d-die! P-Please!"

"Say 'Donald is the best'."

"Say Donald is the best!"

"Your such an idiot."

"And I'd like to keep it that way."

The two of us laughed loudly at my childish ways. Once we were done, Donald kissed me again before getting up and leaving me alone on the couch. He came back into the room with some clothes in his hands.

"Your clothes, M'Lady."

"Thank you, kind Sir."

"Whatever makes you happy, M'Lady."

"Wherever did I find such a man?"

"The same place you've only recently looked."

"Always so charming."

"Of coarse."

"We are such idiots."

"Absolutely, now go change while I put a movie in."


I walked into the bathroom and slipped off my clothes. I pulled on the sweatpants and rolled upthe waist before slipping on the large t-shirt. I folded my clothes and placed them on the bathroom scale before walking back into the living room. I sat down next to Donald and cuddled into his side as he played Mirror, Mirror before we both fell asleep.

Finally, their first kiss! I love you guys so much. Thank you for sticking with me since the very first chapter. Your reads/votes/comments mean so much to me.

Loving an Aca-Boy ~ Donald WalshWhere stories live. Discover now