Chapter 10

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I woke up early the morning of winter break wrapped in Donald's arms. I had gotten used to waking up in bed with Donald, just as Beca had gotten used to waking up with Jesse. We had somehow during the year switched sleeping arrangements. 

I snuggled back up into Donald's chest and tried to block out as much of the sun as I could while receiving warmth from his body. I heard a deep chuckle from above me, laced up sleep. I groaned as he asked me the worst question to be asked on a cold, November morning. "Too cold for you, Love?" 

I smirked into his chest as an idea popped into my head. I gripped the blankets around me and rolled over, taking them with me. Much to my dismay, I ended up rolling myself onto the floor. Donald didn't even try to help me up, he just laughed. 

Sitting up, I glared at him. Realizing I still had all the covers from the bed, I stood up and ran to the door. I ran down the hall to my actual dorm room, knocking frantically on the door. Beca let me in and I slammed the door shut behind me. 

"Don'" I panted, clutching the blankets to my chest. Jesse laughed heartily as he lay shirtless on Beca's bed. Beca shook her head and made her way into the bathroom. I sat down on my bed, sighing, just as the door opened. 

"You left your key on the desk, Alex. You might want to take it with you next time you want to run away with the covers." He smirked and I sighed in defeat. I trudged my way through the door and back down the Donald's dorm. Donald  followed behind me, opening the door as I grumbled incoherently. "Come on, Love, we need to pack for our little trip." 

"I don't wanna." I pouted, crossing my arms like a little kid. I laid down on the bed and wrapped myself up like a cocoon. I didn't want to go on this stupid trip in the first place, so I wasn't packing for it. 

"If you're going to act like a child, then I'm going to treat you like a child, and if you don't like what I'm going to pack for you, then too bad." He scolded, walking back to my dorm room to get my clothes.

Sighing, I knew that Donald would purposely pack clothing that I wouldn't want to wear. Oh god, I hope he doesn't find that stupid birthday present Stacie got me. I pondered about how she found out about my birthday as I ran after Donald, there was no way I was going to let him find that. 

I burst through the open door, hoping that he hadn't looked in the bottom of my top dresser drawer. Unfortunately, he had found it, and was holding it up to admire the skimpy piece of clothing, if you could call it that.

"You have got to bring this." He smiled deviously, throwing it into the bag beside him. I groaned, completely embarrassed that he had even found it. He started to throw other underwear from my drawer into the same bag, before moving on to shirts, and then to shorts and pants. 

I was so out of it, I hadn't even noticed him going into my closet.  More pieces of clothing were thrown into the large bag. "Well, well, well. What have we got in this box of goodies? More clothing that appeases the eye? Or some more boring everyday outfits?" 

"What are you trying to say about my everyday outfits?" I growled at him. I was slightly offended at his comment on my choice of clothing. Was I not what he wanted? Was I not good enough for him? Did he even want me for me? I was worrying beyond belief  underneath my collected composure. 

"I love your everyday outfits, Alex. I was simply trying to make a joke. You didn't seem quite keen on packing today, so I thought I would try and make you laugh. Now, where's my baby girl's laughter." Donald smiled, wrapping his arms around my waist and tickling my sides. 

"You're the worst." I laughed. He disagreed and kissed me. Donald went back to packing for me opening the box that I forgot I even had inside my closet. He pulled out dress after memorabilia and shirt after outfit from Hot Topic that I had gained over the years. Without another word, he throw almost everything from inside the box into the bag. 

"Well, I think that's everything. How about we meet up with everyone else now that we're finished packing finally." Donald stood up, throwing the bag over his shoulder and picking up another bag that I hadn't seen before now, and grabbed my hand. 

"I love you, Donald Duck." I whispered as I laid my head down on his shoulder as we walked down the hallway. He returned the affection and kissed my forehead as we entered the elevator. The two of us stood in a comfortable silence on the way down to the lobby. 

"FInally, the two honeymooners decide to join us in this wonderful day in this fine November." Stacie called out as we exited the elevator. I rolled my eyes and laughed with everyone else. This trip might just be fun after all, at least, I hope it will be. 

First time trying this out on this book, but I want to know if my glorious readers can fulfill my goal. I want to know if we can get 2 votes for the next chapter. Luv ya. ~Mimikins 

Loving an Aca-Boy ~ Donald WalshWhere stories live. Discover now