Chapter 5

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~*~ The Next Morning ~*~

"Should we wake her?"

"No let her sleep."

"But what if she wants to hang with us at the mall?"

"Yeah, she would want us to wake her up if we were going. Right?"

"Hey Bellas! What's happening?"


"Look at Sleeping Beauty over there. Someone take a picture."

"Dude, shut up."

"Hey Donald, go wake your girlfriend up."

"She's not my girlfriend."

"You guys are really loud." I said, throwing my pillow in a random direction.

"See I told you!"

"Can I have some sleep please people?" I asked as nicely as I could.

"Only if you want your computer hidden and maybe corrupted with viruses."

"I'm up!" I shouted, sitting up in bed as fast as humanly possible.

Everyone laughed and I pouted. I grabbed my computer off of my desk and cradled it in my arms. Benji looked at me weird and I shot him a look.

"So, why did you guys want me up?" I yawned.

"Well, we were going to go to the mall with the Trebles, and we wanted to know if you wanted to go with us." Fat Amy said.

"I'd love to, just give me five more minute of sleep." I yawned, laying back down in my bed.

I was almost asleep when someone picked me up. I shrieked and tried to get out of their arms. I ended up punching the person in their face. I heard the person groan and looked up. Donald was carrying me into the bathroom.

Someone placed a blindfold over my eyes. I was carried into the bathroom and ended up almost falling asleep again. I was soon dropped into a bath of freezing cold water.

"Holy shit!" I screamed, trying to get out of the tub as fast as I could.

"That was classic!" Sarah yelled.

"Which mother fucker came up with the idea to do that?" I hissed.

"Greg!" Everyone shouted.

"Ok, well get out I'm getting dressed." I told, clapping my hands once.

They all grumbled as I quickly grabbed some clothes and ran back into the bathroom. I slid on a pair of my black lace panties and a matching bra. Afterwards, I put on a pair of black skinny jeans, socks, and a black tanktop with ACDC written on it in silver letters. I applied some makeup and walked out of the bathroom. I grabbed my black beats, my ipod, and my phone. I plugged my headphones into my ipod and clicked my shuffle button.

"Ready now?" Unicycle asked as I slid on my black high top converses.

"Yeah." I said, placing my beats around my neck and grabbing my shoulder bag.

We walked out of the dorm room and Becca locked the door. We all headed down the hall to the elevators and went down in groups. Once everyone was back together, we all walked to the Trebles 'tour' bus. Everyone piled in, Donald driving once again. I went to sit behind Donald, but he pulled me into his lap.

"Hey, I don't mind you to bring lovey-dovey and all, but please don't crash the bus!" Jesse called from the back of the bus.

"I'll try not to, but no promises!" Donald laughed.

"You're both asses! Now Donald let me go!" I yelled at them.

"I rather like this though." He whispered in my ear.

"If we get pulled over, we're screwed. Do you understand that? Me sitting on your lap is breaking the law. Now please let me go." I said.

"Fine." He said, releasing me so I could sit behind him.

I sat down and Becca walked over to me. She sat down and leaned over, cupping my ear with her hands.

"I know you like him." She whispered.

"I do not!" I whispered back through cupped hands.

"It's completely obvious that you do. I mean, really, you blush almost every time his complements you."

"So what, it's not like he'll-"

"We're here!" Donald called out, cutting me off.

Jesse ran to the front of the bus, "We meet at the food court in two hours, ok?"

"Yes, Sir!" I shouted, saluting to Jesse and causing everyone to laugh.

Everyone filed out of the bus and walked toward the mall. Once inside, everyone walked toward the store they wanted shop at. I started to walk toward Hot Topic, when Donald grabbed my wrist, stopping my movement.

"Don't walk off without me." He smiled, grabbing my right hand with his left.

"Let's go then." I whined.

"Lead the way then, 'cause I don't know where you wanna go" He said.

"Hot Topic!" I yelled, dragging him through the mall.

Once in Hot Topic, Donald and I roamed the store. I was looking at the iphone cases when Donald called me over. He held a pretty, black sundress that has white skulls on it with small, pink butterflies. The straps were removable and had the same design as the dress.

"That's so cute!" I squealed.

I looked at the clothes that were hung up on the wall and decided on getting an old fashioned dress, an old fashioned over coat, two sundresses, one black and one blue with black lace, and four black crop tops with band names on them. I also bought a Rainbow Dash case for my iphone, some new earrings, some stickers, and a few buttons. I boy with tattoos covering his arms and lots of piercings helped us at the cash register.

"That'll be $1,258." He said in a monotone voice after ringing my things up.

"Here." Donald told the guy, handing him his card.

"Look it's Bumper and the other Trebles waving you over!" I yelled, distracting him.

I handed him my credit card and he swiped it on the little machine. Donald turned back around and glared at me. I gave him an innocent smile and retrieved my card. We grabbed the bags and made our way to the food court. We got lost one out twice on the way there. Ok, more like eight or nine. Not that bad, right?

"Finally! I thought I was never gonna get to eat!" Fat Amy complained.

"Well come on then, let's eat!" I yelled and with that, we all went to different lines.

Food List

Becca and Jesse - Taco Bell

Donald and I - McDonald's

Unicycle and Hat - Burger King

Benji - Pizza Hut

Fat Amy, Cynthia Rose, Jessica, Sarah, and Stacie - Subway

Everyone Else - Arby's

Once everyone finished eating, we all headed back to the bus. It was packed full with everyone's shopping bags on the ride back to campus. We all headed for our rooms to unpack.

After an hour of putting things away and helping Becca with her bags, I collapsed on my bed. I rolled over and looked at the clock. 5:34!! There is no way we were at the mall that long.

"Wakey, Wakey! We have Bella's practice like right now!" Becca yelled I'm my ear.

Loving an Aca-Boy ~ Donald WalshWhere stories live. Discover now