Chapter 13

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The next day, we all split off to do our own thing. Most of the Trebles stayed at the beach, while Stacie dragged some of the girls to the mall. There was no way I was going to go shopping with her, I did not need a new wardrobe. 

Donald suggested that he and I go sightseeing for the first half of the day. I searched through my bag for the blue sundress that I had packed. It was navy blue and puffed out slightly at the bottom. It was beautiful, but I had never worn it anywhere other than around the house before. 

Donald settled on some floral swimming trunks and a white v-neck. I must say he did look quite sexy. I just had this huge urge to jump his bones right then and there. I gave him a quick peck on the lips and we left the hotel. 

We grabbed a map from the front desk and began our walk to the Waikiki Aquarium. It was almost a miles walk, but there were still many sights to see along the way. We stopped at a small stand and tried some poi*. It was slightly bland, but not that bad, almost with the texture of mashed potatoes. 

The aquarium was packed. I almost didn't want to go in, but Donald dragged me along with him. It was marvelous. There was a gigantic tunnel that we could walk through. I felt like I was walking alongside the fish. I was captivated. 

The fish were serene. Colors I had never seen before were floating right next to me. Taking a picture would never be half as wonderful as being right there. We stayed there for hours. People came and went, most only giving the fish and mammals only a passing glance. 

Donald had to drag me away when it became lunch time. We ate at a small cafe before heading back to the hotel. Women gave Donald lei necklaces as we walked. He blew it off like it was nothing, but I was about ready to lay a girl out. Yes, I was jealous. We arrived at the hotel at the same time as Beca and Jesse. 

"Aloha, Alex. Has a nice ring to it doesn't it." Jesse laughed. This boy was going to be the death of me one day. Seriously, we've been here one day and he's already trying to be a native. 

"Aloha kakou." Donald chimed in, when did this boy pick up the language?

"You two sound like such haole." 

"God damn it! Why am I the only one who didn't pick up any Hawaiian! Seriously, though, Beca! How?" This totally wasn't fair. I feel so left out of everything nowadays. 

"Don't worry, Babygirl, you'll learn some one of these days." 

"You know what? You can watch Netflix alone tonight while you sleep on the couch." One of these days? Ha! I don't need his multilinguistic glorious ass anyway. Him and his squeezable, lovable ass. Is it bad that I feel slightly jealous? 

"Aww, babe, no. Please, not the couch. I'll do anything. Babe!" I took Beca's hand and started walking down the street to some shops. I wasn't as mad as I let on to be, but I was slightly saddened that I was the only one who didn't know any words in the native language. 

"Come on, Alex. I know you can't be that mad at him, but, seriously, the couch? Really? Totally old school." 

"I guess I just figured that he'd tell me if he picked up on something new. You know? I mean- never mind. Sorry for dragging you out here." 

"It's cool, I was trying to figure out how to get away from Jesse, anyways. I wanted to find him a Christmas present. What are you getting Donald?" 

"I'm going to see if I can find him a book on beatboxers through history or something like that. I saw a book earlier that said it contains all sorts of information on beatboxing, but I don't really think he'd like that." 

"Of course he'd like it. I'm sure Donald would be happy just spending Christmas locked in a room watching movies with you." 

"That sounds cheesy. Almost like something you and Jesse would do, but Donald's parents are insisting that he be home for the holidays whether he likes it or not." 

We laughed and looked around the different shops. I ended up getting Donald The Human Beatbox, lame and stupid, I know. There aren't many things that Donald would want. He already has a huge movie collection, so a movie wouldn't be the wisest choice. He doesn't need any more clothes. He already has a favorite pair of earrings. Grrr, I hate my life! 

We got back to the hotel two hours later. I bid Beca goodbye and headed to my room. I hid the small bag behind my back as I walked in. Donald wasn't on the bed so I was slightly worried. Looking around, I noticed the light of a laptop out of the corner of my eye. Turns out Donald thought I was serious as he was sound asleep on the couch with Criminal Minds playing on his laptop. 

Smiling, I hid his present in my bag and removed the laptop from his chest. I put on some pajamas and climbed onto his chest. I knew I would never be able to wake him, so why not just sleep with him. I smiled as I fell into a dreamless sleep. 

The next morning, I woke up in the soft bed. Donald had his arm wrapped around my waist and his face buried in the crook of my neck. His breath tickled, causing me to start giggling. The shrill sound of the phone startled both Donald and I. Groaning, I reached over and picked it up. "Hello?" 

"Aloha! E komo mai! You are pupule!" Hat and Unicycle laughed manically as Jesse spoke into the phone. I sighed and hung up, curling up into Donald's warm, shirtless chest. He chuckled and tightened his hold on me. I just wanted to spend the day in bed. 

"You ok there, Baby Girl? You seem more tired than usual. Did you wear yourself out yesterday?" Donald sounded concerned as he tightened his hold on me. I nodded slightly before burrowing my face deeper into his chest, if at all possible. I always hated mornings, especially when just getting over time-zone differences. 

"Remind me to never sleep on a hotel couch again. That was one of the most uncomfortable places I've ever slept. Even more so than that pile  of shoes." 

"Why did you sleep on a pile of shoes?" 

"It's a long story. I don't want to talk about it right now." 

The phone rang again causing me to shoot up out of bed. I'm so done with people disturbing my sleep this morning. "I swear to whoever you worship if you call me one more time, I will find you. You may think you can run, but I will always find you. You will be alone and vulnerable, and I will find you during your weakest moment." 

"Um, Alex, Sweetie, are you alright?" My father. Of course, I just had to go off on my father when I thought it was Jesse. "Is there something going on that I should know about?" 

"No dad," I sighed. "Jesse and a few others called this morning and woke me up. It's nothing.I promise." 

"If you say so. I was just calling to confirm that you aren't sharing a room with Donald. I know what you're thinking, I do trust you, it's him I don't trust. Oh, and I needed to ask you about what you think I should get your brother for Christmas. I'm always stumped when it comes to what I have to buy you kids when it comes to gifts. Do you think he would like a car?" 

"Dad, I hate to break it to you, but Greg doesn't need or want a car. He, and I, don't need one. We can walk everywhere or hitch a ride from someone. You should get him that record player he was looking at online over the summer. He said something about clearer sound or something when he was talking to Hat over the phone." 

"You are the best! I knew I could count on you! Alright, I have to go now. I'll see you soon. I love you." 

I bid goodbye to my dad and rolled over. Donald had fallen asleep already. I smiled and drifted off beside him. Sweet dreams of Donald and I filled my sleep.

*A paste made from Taro root. A mainstay of the traditional Hawaiian diet.

I'm so sorry. I would hate me too. I got really bad writer's block and then school and then testing. I feel really bad, but please don't hurt me. I still love you guys if that makes any of you feel better. Luv ya <3. 


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2016 ⏰

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