Egg-splanation Please?

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Damian swung into the Batcave and made his way over to one of the locker rooms so that he could change out of uniform before reporting what happened on his patrol. Other than the shocking encounter with Danny, the rest of the night was rather bland. He had stopped one more mugging, and that had been it. Which, to be honest, he was rather grateful for. However, he would never have admitted it out loud.

The pocket of the utility belt had been designed to be sturdy and to protect whatever was inside of it... but that doesn't mean that it was perfect. Other fragile objects had broken in them for various reasons, despite the added protection, and Damian didn't know how strong the core was. With the way Danny spoke, it seemed like it was exceptionally fragile on top of being his most vulnerable point. The vigilante didn't really want to make a point of finding out.

Before taking anything else off, he secured the utility belt on the top shelf in his locker (making sure it wouldn't move for any reason. The last thing he needed was one of his adopted siblings barging in and knocking it to the floor on accident while they rough housed with him for some reason or another.). Damian pulled on a loose t-shirt and sweats, then set his uniform in the designated area for Alfred.

Once done, the youngest vigilante gently grabbed the core out of his utility belt and made his way out onto the central hub of the Batcave. Damian looked over the orb to check for any noticeable cracks or damages it may have gotten due to the minor scuffle he had gotten into prior, then quickly hid it in his balled fist once he realized that he wasn't alone.

"Heya, Damian. How'd patrol go?" Barbara asked from in front of the Batcomputer. The large monitor held the locations of the rest of the bats and whatever else she felt the need to look into at the moment. She swung her chair around to smile at him while the person beside her stirred to life when she spoke. The familiarly exhausted look of Tim Drake slowly sat up from his hunched-over position and turned to look at him as well.

"Nothing of note. Just some random muggings and a robbery." Damian stated as he continued to walk past them towards the manor. "Police already have them in custody."

"Hold up, gremlin. This was the first time in a while that you got to go on a solo patrol... If there wasn't anything of note, then why aren't you more disappointed?" Tim asked as a yawn escaped. He glanced at Damian's enclosed fist and arched a brow at his younger brother. "Whatcha got there?"

Well, that was found out rather quickly. Damian had been depending on his over-caffeinated brother to be too exhausted to notice but here he was. Time to play it off and hope for the best. Sometimes hiding in plain sight was the best kind of hiding after all.

Without batting an eye, Damian held up his fist and opened it to reveal the pretty blue stone that lay within. "It's an egg, Drake. I laid it." He deadpanned without hesitation before closing his fist, turning away from the two, and heading up the stairs. Barbara's laughter followed his ascent, but the "Since when did he know how to tell jokes?" that Tim said did not go unheard by Damian. He prickled a bit but kept his temper to himself. Damian could get back at his sibling in other ways.

The kitchen lights were off when he approached, but snacks were already laid out on the counter for those who hadn't had a chance to eat before going on patrol. Alfred truly knew about and prepared for every possible outcome. Damian swiped a couple of apples and made the rest of the journey to his room unhindered. Everyone else was either turned in for the night or finishing up their patrols.

Though it made him wonder... did the others feel how off Gotham had been tonight? If he hadn't found Danny when he did, would it have continued until the ghost reformed? What would have happened if one of the others saw him first?

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