N-eggling Nightmares

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The acrid smell of burning chemicals made it hard to breathe. All of the angry shouting had quietened into an eerie silence. One that had the hairs on the end of his neck standing up. One that he had learned from years of experience, which meant something unfathomably horrible had happened. Whether it was done to himself or someone else had yet to be determined. He remained still with his eyes closed. Trying to ascertain his surroundings with his other senses. If he was asleep then there was less likely of a chance to be attacked and a better chance to take his enemies by surprise.

Everyone underestimated a small kid.

All he could hear was the sounds of flames and sparks of broken gadgets. The smell of the burning chemicals overwhelmed his nose so that he couldn't decipher anything else. As for himself, he didn't feel like there were any injuries, which could be good or bad. Good being that he actually wasn't injured or bad with the injuries being so bad the pain didn't register anymore. That or he was drugged. Which wasn't a good thing either. There wasn't much else he could do. It was so quiet. Deciding to test his luck, he opened his eyes, and the scene before him had his eyes shooting wide open in surprise.

Green flames cast the basement in an ominous glow that made the shadows of the room bigger and longer. They moved almost as if they were alive when all it was, was the flickering of the flames. Lab equipment was thrown about the room. Destroyed during whatever had happened here. The portal in the background seemed almost insignificant for the massive part it had played for these events to even happen. However, this didn't make any sense. He shouldn't be here. He should be back home at Wayne Manor.

A dream? It had to be. It was the only explanation. Damian looked down at himself and found that nothing had changed for him. He was still wearing the night clothes that he had picked before putting Danny and himself to bed. Not to mention, the last time he was in the Fentons' basement, it had been long since destroyed with a massive layer of dust on top of it all. The scene before him looked like that battle was presently happening. It smelled and felt real but it couldn't be. A dream had to be what this was... but it felt too real. Damian slowly pulled himself up into a crouch when a small explosion had him diving behind one of the work tables to avoid being showered in glass.

"Aww... look how cute and small you are... what happened?" A deep voice that was unknown to Damian broke the silence and it had a frown forming on the young boy's face.

"Put me down!" The small and feral-pitched voice that Damian did know screeched at the other. "This doesn't make sense! You weren't even there when it happened? Why are you here now?"

Damian kept himself low to the floor so that he would be less likely noticed. He peered around the table at the two figures that had been hidden in the huge plume of smoke toward the back of the room. Small toddler Danny was being held up by the scruff of his white and black jumpsuit by a large muscular man... who looked like he could be an older version of Danny. His eyes were red, his skin a pale blue, and his white hair mimicked the green flames nearby rather than acting like normal hair. But even with the differences, the similarities in the man's face were there. He had a gloating smirk on his face as he held his tiny counterpart as if he were a misbehaving kitten.

"Doesn't matter if I was there or not. I'm here now..." The man pulled little Danny up until their faces were inches from each other. "It may not have happened the way CW had originally seen it... but I'm inevitable. It won't be long now before I come into existence and this world will be annihilated. There is nothing you can do to stop it."

Frantically, Damian looked around for anything he could use against this new opponent. If this wasn't his dream then, somehow, he had gotten transported into Danny's. It didn't matter that this was fake, it felt real enough to him so that meant it felt real to Danny. The ghost kid had just formed, he didn't need this going on as well. Grabbing a gun that was called a Fenton Blaster that he recognized due to the blueprints on the website, Damian jumped out from behind his cover and fired two shots right at the man's heart. "He doesn't have to. He isn't alone."

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