An Eggnygma

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Almost everyone gathered in the gas-infected park to administer the antidote to the contaminated henchmen while Superboy made quick work of the remaining gas. The half-Kryptonian borrowed a gas mask from Robin and flew in a large, repeated circle around the toxic cloud. Leading it higher into the atmosphere before allowing it to disperse safely. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. The bats, however, did not remove their masks. Almost all of the antidotes had already been used, and no one (except Damian since he gave his to Superboy) wanted to risk breathing in the laughing gas.

Paranoia runs in the family.

"Can this night be over with already?" Spoiler exclaimed as she finished lying the last of Joker's men against the brick wall of a nearby apartment building. She rubbed her arms nervously as she shivered in dread. "Sorry, but I know I'm not the only one who thinks tonight feels off. Robin already admitted to it when he joined the fight."

Both Orphan and Red Robin nodded in agreement. Damian hunched his shoulders, but he couldn't deny that she was right. His father stood up from looking over a couple of unconscious men. "The last time Gotham felt like this, there was a massive breakout in Arkham. It just means we need to be even more vigilant than normal." Batman stated, walking over to his children with his fingers flying across his wrist computer. "Oracle, has there been any new movement or changes-"

"Oh no. No, no nonono!" was all the redhead replied. All of the bats and Superboy shared a look. Those words had never boded well for the vigilantes. A flurry of key smashing came from the coms before Oracle said, "Batman, point your projector at the wall. This is something you have to see. This is airing across all TV channels."

He did just that and outstretched his wrist computer towards the nearest building. Oracle was already in. The building lit up from the projector's bright light and showed a face that all the bats were familiar with.

"Riddler," Batman growled, narrowing his eyes.

A bright, toothy smile pulled back from the camera to reveal the question-marked villain in all of his green glory. Riddler tipped his bowler cap to an unseen audience. "Good evening, ladies and gentleBats. Gotham, tonight you are all in for a treat!" He began with a flourish. The green-suited man twirled his cane before pointing it directly at the camera. "Tonight, you will all witness the death of Batman and his ragtag bunch of sidekicks!"

Robin bristled, and he knew that he wasn't the only one. "Must he be so overly dramatic?" The youngest growled, which earned him a chuckle from Superboy, who had flown to stand next to him. Batman shushed his son as the Riddler continued his monologue.

"So, without further ado, let's start with the rules. All the bats must do is head to four locations hidden throughout Gotham. They must solve the riddles before the clock tower strikes five am. If you run out of time or fail to solve the riddles, well... the bats will become trapped in their rooms and die. Then the clock tower will be no more! It'll be quite the... explosive scene." Cackles of laughter left Riddler, and Robin watched Tim roll his eyes.

"Is he trying to rip off the Joker? Didn't something similar happen a couple of months ago?"

Spoiler groaned. "Why is every rogue fixated on the clock tower? I swear each one has tried to blow it up at least once."

"Can the snide remarks wait until the end of the movie?" Oracle asked, annoyed over the coms, promptly silencing her fellow teammates.

"However, each building has a timed lock. So if you all go to the same location and enter, the other sites will lock up, and no one will be able to get in. Thus, you will lose." Nygma said as a series of photos flew across the screen. Each one paused for a few seconds before switching to the next. They showed obscure images of various buildings in Gotham. "Here are the locations, but there are some decoys out there. I would be careful now! After all, you only have fifteen minutes to decide!" The feed cut out with more laughter and looped from the beginning.

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