Protective T-egg-dencies

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***slight warning. a little violent in the middle***

Between patrols and dealing with the antics of his family, Damian's weekend flew by, and the next thing he knew, he was sitting at his desk in English. Wishing for the day to end so that he could go back home and attempt to do some of the research on Danny. Gotham academy was boring, to say the least. The assassin had learned most of the subject material ages ago, but his father had deemed it necessary to be in school with his peers. Though he was up about three grades compared to the age of his actual peers. "You need to get used to more social interactions. Not everything can be solved by swinging your sword at it." Bruce had said in his authoritative 'no buts' tone.

Damian's eye twitched in annoyance when one of his fellow classmates brushed by the aisle to go to the front of the room. He didn't hate his peers, per se. They just annoyed him with their innate ramblings of useless gossip and their shallow attempts at wanting to be his 'friend'. Most have learned to steer clear of him for the most part, but there are others who try to take up the challenge to talk to Damian Wayne.

It really did annoy him to no end. If only he could bring his sword to class. Almost all of the other students would stop talking to him if Damian would be allowed to bring that.

The bell rang over his teacher's droning words, and everyone made their way to the next class. For Damian, it was the final class of the day. Study hall. He really didn't see the point in having it as his last class of the day. His teacher really didn't care what the black-haired boy did during that time, so why not just let him leave after English? It was a waste of time... normally.

Damian gathered up his stuff and headed to study hall. He got permission to go to the library and made his way over to the computer lab adjacent to it in the same room. The assassin grabbed the computer that allowed him to have his back to a wall while having optimal visibility to the rest of the room, as well as having sight on all of the nearest exits. Just in case. It wouldn't be the first time his school was attacked by someone. His school held almost all of the children from Gotham's rich elite class. There was at least a student getting kidnapped once every few months. So far, none have fully succeeded in their endeavors.

He sat down with a sigh and pushed his backpack under the desk. Damian then slid the necklace off and placed it between the computer monitor and keyboard. He felt a little bad about what he was about to do, but he really needed to know more about Danny. Any information was better than none. His hands flew across the keyboard as he input his credentials. Then he hacked the computer so that he was no longer locked by the school's network and firewall.

Tim was much better at this kind of thing than Damian was, but a school computer was a snap.

Soon he was using a VPN and delving deep into the web to find anything on the ghostly boy. Which, wasn't much. Damian began by searching for possible missing children with the first name of Danny, only to find there were way too many. He added the description of white hair and green eyes but got nothing. So he opted for putting the entire name in... only to get a few small snippets. It was as though someone had scrubbed the internet clean of this person's existence. With a little more digging, Damian broke through an unnecessarily strong firewall, and a slue of information came forth.

Several pictures of the green-eyed boy filled the screen, along with a few articles talking about a local hero named "Phantom" in Amity Park, IL. However, the search pretty much ends with these news articles. Some are good, some are bad. Damian could tell how biased the reporters were based on how they wrote the articles, and even with all of that... All Damian learned was that Phantom was some ghost/meta kid protecting a town. The articles do confirm that the kid was a ghost which led to some local experts called the Fentons.

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