Only for Eggmergencies

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It worked.

Honestly, it worked a little too easily.

All it had taken was one look from the combined baby blues of Jon and Danny and both Superman and Batman had caved to their whims. Actually, every hero in the meeting had caved. Was that really all it took to get away with things? Act innocent and cute?

If he could sigh out loud, he would have. But then that could give the others a hint as to what was actually going on. Damian led the way out of the cave wearing some loose clothing. Danny had his head resting on Damian's shoulder as he was carried into the manor while watching Jon float behind them. The half-Kryptonian was too excited to keep his feet on the ground. If he didn't have the natural ability to fly then he would be floating anyway due to how much he was vibrating.

Jon wanted to speak.

He wanted to speak so badly.

Damian was annoyed but at least Danny was amused. Given the feelings that were coming off of the ghost. They continued their walk in silence until Damian herded Jon into his room. He set Danny on the bed, then went about resetting the traps just incase any of his family decided to stop by. It was highly unlikely given that most were returning from their own patrols and missions... but they were an unpredictable lot. One of them popping in to see Danny was entirely possible. He triple-checked the locks and the soundproofing before finally turning to the other two boys. Danny was watching Jon with an eyebrow raised and Jon was looking as though he was about to vibrate out of existence in his excitement.

He sighed internally again before gesturing to Jon. "All right. Let it out before you send the manor into a different existence from your vibrating."

"HE HATCHED?!" Jon exclaimed excitedly, once he got the permission to do so. The preteen flew in quick excited circles around the ceiling stopping right in from of Damian. Their faces inches from each other. The only reason Jon wasn't slugged was because Damian was used to these kinds of antics from him. "When did it happen? Why didn't you tell me? Do the others know? Why is he bite size?" There were more questions he wanted to ask. Damian could tell but he was holding back because he knew how thin his patience could get.

Danny was looking at the two boys, highly amused, and Damian rolled his eyes. "In order. Yes, he hatched as you can see. It happened around a month ago. It was kind of last minute and I wanted to get him better settled in with the others before bringing you in. On that same note, no. The others don't know. Alfred knows a bit. Tim is suspicious but, other than that, the others believe that he is a child born from a Lazarus egg. As for why he came out small instead of full size... that's why we needed the calling card." Damian replied to each of the questions methodically and ended by pointing to the pocket Jon had indicated where the card was.

A lot of the excitement calmed with each question answered but Jon was still smiling very brightly. "Oh. Well, that makes sense. Your family can get a little crazy when it comes to kids with tragic pasts." – "HEY" Danny called in the background but was talked over. - "But you should have told me! I could have helped with the fallout."

"Other than Jason pointing a gun at me, there really wasn't a fallout," Danny answered with a cheeky grin. It grew wider when Jon turned his full attention back to the teen-turned-toddler. "Hi! So... how much do you know about what is going on...?" The half ghost appeared relaxed but he was feeling a little on edge. To an outsider, it would be well hidden.

"He knows almost everything," Damian replied with a slight shrug. "I've told you about him. Jon here is the newest Superboy. With his enhanced hearing, he was able to pick up on your core's vibrations while I was out on patrol."

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