Farm Chores Eggnd Trauma Bombs

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I thought it was a joke.

"I assure you that it was not."

Damian allowed himself to be nuzzled by Batcow as he went about the barn preparing it for winter. The first snow had already been scheduled and he was running on borrowed time. Jerry the turkey followed along loyally at his heels with Cujo right alongside them. Between classwork and trying to be careful in finding any other triggers for Danny, the care for his animals had been put to the wayside. Alfred did do a lot of the work but they were Damian's animals so they were his responsibility. It was just... an adjustment with Danny. There was a lot he was learning about the care for another. But he wouldn't ignore his animals and today was the last day of his grounding. After this, he would be immensely busy with patrols and cases again, so now was the time to get the winter preparations out of the way.

Batcow? You named her Batcow? That... how did you end up with a cow? And a turkey? I've never seen a turkey that didn't try to claw someone's face off. They are gremlins just like geese.

"Then Drake would probably find it fitting. A demon and his gremlin." Damian smirked at the laugh Danny gave off as he went about insulating the barn. "While on a mission, I had to infiltrate a slaughterhouse. The conditions were horrible and the cruelty to the animals was unparalleled. I found Batcow in that place and rescued her. You probably can't see it right now since you can't see patterned details, but Batcow got her name from the bat-shaped pattern that stretches across her face like a mask. Jerry was in roughly the same kind of situation." He paused in his work to give each of the animals a good pet before continuing.

Are you some kind of Disney princess for animals in danger? How come my missions hardly ever involved animals other than talking vultures? I want to save animals! I wish to pet. I wish to pet so bad!

Damian grabbed a hay bale and started throwing it into an organized stack. A fresh shipment had just arrived and it needed to be put in the designated spot. This was one thing that he never allowed Alfred to do. It was good strength training and the butler was getting older. He didn't need an accident happening. "When you fully form, I'm sure that Batcow and Jerry will let you pet them as much as you wish. Despite being a gremlin bird, Jerry is very well-behaved. It's Alfred the cat that you have to look out for. Besides, there will probably be another mission that involves animals and you can claim that one. Father won't let me bring animals home anymore so if someone else does he is more likely to say yes. Cujo was an exception." Danny was quiet for a minute. A slight unsettling feeling of nervousness replaced the amusement he was feeling earlier. "What's wrong?"

Man, that is annoying that you can feel that.

"The feeling was not as prominent as it was before. You have gotten better."

It's still annoying.

"I understand the sentiment but you have yet to answer my question," Damian smirked when Danny grumbled to himself as he moved on to his next task. It took Danny a moment before he started to talk again, his emotions were muted even further than before but Damian could still pick them out if he wanted.

Why does it... why are you making it sound like I will be living here once I fully form?

"Because you are? Why? Were you thinking of vanishing once you are back in your normal body?" Damian stopped and wiped the sweat from his brow. When Danny offered nothing but silence, he tsked at the ghost and tossed his pitchfork to the side. "Where will you go? I have looked into your background and there is nothing left for you back in Amity. What are you going to do once you are free? Do you have a plan?" When all he got was more silence with a feeling of apprehensive sadness, Damian sighed. "Father is not one to turn someone in need a way. Have you seen how many adopted siblings I have? Each one came from some sort of unfortunate circumstance. Even I... his blood child am not exempt from this. Though it does not need to end in adoption, you will be given a room here if you wish it."

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